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Clinical Trial Summary

Raised plasma Homocysteine (Hcy) was 1st proposed as a cause of vascular pathology in patients with inherited disorders of Homocysteine metabolism.leading to the hypothesis that individuals with slight to moderate elevated levels of Homocysteine may have an increased hazard for vascular disease. As an amino acid with a reactive sulfhydryl group, homocysteine has been proposed to intermediate vascular inflammation and damage by stimulating oxidative stress secondary to reactive oxygen species accumulation. which in turn leads to an rise in cardiac and vascular disease risk by stimulating endothelial dysfunction, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and vascular calcification. Consistent with this hypothesis, hyperhomocysteinemia a has been associated with an increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD), heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, and mortality.

Clinical Trial Description

Excess of low density lipoproteins, high blood pressure, obesity, excess of blood sugar levels, smoking and sedentary life style are the known modifiable risk factors causing cardiovascular disease specifically Coronary disease. There can be some other substances which can additionally affect the human cardiac physiology as well i.e. high levels of Homocysteine molecule in the blood. The adverse effects of this component on multiple system of human body are evidenced in the literature since 1962 involving Nervous system, brain, Renal system, Liver functioning, Venus system and endothelial system and are still under debate. This biochemical agent has a strong relevance with the physiology of cardiovascular system and causes disturbance in the arterial supply of the heart in young population. Homocysteine has been under a lot of discussion it is an amino acid which is synthesized by the demethylation of dietary methionine. It is a highly reactive, Sulfur-containing amino acid as a by-product of metabolism of essential amino acid specifically methionine. It was proved to be a strong risk factor causing many cardiovascular diseases, neurological disturbances and other health related issues. Homocysteine has a strong relation with the diseases involving hardening of arteries and blood clots related vascular problems. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05011032
Study type Interventional
Source Aqua Medical Services (Pvt) Ltd
Status Withdrawn
Phase N/A
Start date August 12, 2021
Completion date September 12, 2021

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
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