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Clinical Trial Summary

Length of DAT (Dual Antiplatelet therapy) represents one of the most challenging choices for interventional cardiologist.

Prolonged DAT reduces risk of subsequent MI (Myocardial Infarction) with an increase in major bleedings, consequently with a neutral effect on survival [1].

Recently a Polymer-free Drug-Coated coronary stent has been tested in a randomized controlled trial with only one month of DAT due to its peculiar features, with an increased efficacy compared to BMS (Bare Metal Stent) and with a not negligible risk of ST at one year (about 2%)[2,3].

The RCT despite its promising design (inclusion of high risk patients like those with previous bleeding or with severe renal disease) showed a major limitation, that is:

1. patients who are often offered a Biofreedom in real life, that is those with active cancer or needing major surgery or on OAT (Oral Anticoagulation)

2. and patients with bifurcation and multivessel disease, that is those with an increased risk of ST [4]

3. STEMI patients [5] were underrepresented (less than 30%). Consequently we performed this multicenter study to evaluate safety and efficacy of Biofreedom in real life patients.

POCE (a composite end point of death, myocardial infarction, target lesion revascularization) and DOCE (cardiac death, MI-TLR and TLR) will be the primary end points, while its single components will be the secondary ones along stent thrombosis and with bleedings (Barc classification).

At least 12 months The Leaders FREE (2) reported an incidence of MACE of 9.4% at one year in overall patients. If there is a true difference in favour of the experimental treatment of 1.2%, then 870 patients are required to be 80% sure that the upper limit of a one-sided 95% confidence interval (or equivalently a 90% two-sided confidence interval) will exclude a difference when compared to non selected patients of more than 2% [5]

All patients implanting Biofreedom with these prespecified analysis:

1. Clinical

- Diabetic patients (both insulin and not insulin depenent)

- Requiring oral anticoagulation

- On active cancer (that is requiring chemio or radio-therapy and or surgery)

- Requiring surgery


2. Interventional

- Bifurcation (both provisional both 2 stents)

- Multivessel

- Ostial

Clinical Trial Description

Our interest is to test the performance of these stents in real life patients ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03622203
Study type Observational [Patient Registry]
Source Azienda Ospedaliera Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino
Status Completed
Start date January 1, 2016
Completion date May 1, 2018

See also
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