Cardiovascular Diseases Clinical Trial
— NECVaREOfficial title:
The Nueva Ecija Cardiovascular Risk Experiment: An Evaluation of the Impact of Risk Information and Screening on Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
This study seeks to assess how beliefs about health risks, specifically the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), affect health lifestyles and the demand for preventive care in a low-income setting. It also aims to establish the effectiveness of the Package of Essential Noncommunicable Disease Interventions in the Philippines (PhilPEN) in delivering primary prevention of CVD. To meet these objectives, the study is designed as a randomized parallel experiment with two separate, non-overlapping treatment groups and one control group. The experiment will be implemented in Nueva Ecija province, Philippines.
Status | Recruiting |
Enrollment | 5019 |
Est. completion date | December 31, 2021 |
Est. primary completion date | May 31, 2018 |
Accepts healthy volunteers | Accepts Healthy Volunteers |
Gender | All |
Age group | 40 Years to 70 Years |
Eligibility |
Inclusion Criteria: - Individuals aged 40-70 years old - Residents of Nueva Ecija province - Those that have been diagnosed with hypertension but are not currently (past two weeks) taking antihypertensives Exclusion Criteria: - Individuals aged below 40 years old or above 70 years old - Individuals who report they have been diagnosed as having heart disease or diabetes, or who report that they have had a heart attack or a stroke - Those currently (past 2 weeks) taking medication for hypertension or for diabetes - Those who have some medical problems that prevents measurement of blood pressure or BMI |
Country | Name | City | State |
Philippines | UPecon Foundation | Quezon City |
Lead Sponsor | Collaborator |
UPecon Foundation, Inc. | University of Lausanne |
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* Note: There are 52 references in all — Click here to view all references
Type | Measure | Description | Time frame | Safety issue |
Other | Proportion of smokers/ex-smokers who have been advised by a doctor or health worker to quit smoking | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Proportion of smokers/ex-smokers who have received counselling on smoking cessation | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Proportion who have been advised by a doctor or other health worker to drink less alcohol (out of all who have ever consumed alcohol) | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Proportion who have been advised by a doctor or other health worker to eat less salty and/or fatty food | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Proportion who have been advised by a doctor or other health worker to eat more fruit and vegetables and/or grains and pulses | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Proportion who have been advised by a doctor or other health worker to be more physically active | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Proportion of individuals overweight or obese (at baseline) who have been encouraged by a health professional to lose weight | For the lottery intervention, we will examine whether attending a health clinic for a checkup increases the probability of receiving medical advice on the adoption of healthier habits, as is prescribed by the PhilPEN protocol. | 6-9 months | |
Other | Mean perceived 10-year risk of heart attack or stroke for someone of same age and sex as respondent | This outcome will be measured in the baseline survey in response to information provided during the interview | 1-4 months | |
Other | Mean perceived own 10-year risk of heart attack or stroke | This outcome will be measured in the baseline survey in response to information provided during the interview. | 1-4 months | |
Other | Mean perceived own 10-year risk of heart attack or stroke if were to adopt healthy lifestyle | This outcome will be measured in the baseline survey in response to information provided during the interview. | 1-4 months | |
Other | General health measured by SF-36v.1 | Measured at baseline, this is an outcome measure not specific to CVD risk. | 1-4 months | |
Other | Labour market employment, hours and earnings | Measured at baseline, this is an outcome measure not specific to CVD risk. | 1-4 months | |
Other | Health care utilization and expenditures | Measured at baseline, this is an outcome measure not specific to CVD risk. | 1-4 months | |
Primary | Mean 10-year risk of CVD event (heart attack/stroke) | Predicted probability of having a heart attack or stroke within 10 years obtained from office version of Globorisk ( based on age, sex, systolic blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and smoking status recorded in end-point survey. Group mean of predictions will be calculated. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion with 10-year CVD risk = 10% | Predicted risk obtained from Globorisk as for primary outcome. If power permits, will also estimate effects on proportion with CVD risk>20% and >30%. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) | Predicted CVD risk is function of blood pressure, BMI and smoking. We will also estimate effects on these risk factors separately. Mean of last two SBP measures on single visit. BP measured using electronic (OMRON) wrap cuff monitor. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion with elevated blood pressure (systolic =140) | Predicted CVD risk is function of blood pressure, BMI and smoking. We will also estimate effects on these risk factors separately. Mean of last two SBP measures on single visit. BP measured using electronic (OMRON) wrap cuff monitor. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Mean BMI | Predicted CVD risk is function of blood pressure, BMI and smoking. We will also estimate effects on these risk factors separately. Height and weight measured using standardized instruments. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion overweight/obese (BMI>25) | Predicted CVD risk is function of blood pressure, BMI and smoking. We will also estimate effects on these risk factors separately. Height and weight measured using standardized instruments. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion currently smoking | Predicted CVD risk is function of blood pressure, BMI and smoking. We will also estimate effects on these risk factors separately. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Mean waist circumference | Globorisk predicted 10-year CVD risk is not a function of central adiposity, but this is measured as part of PhilPEN risk assessment. Weight circumference will be measured followed a standardized procedure. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion with waist circumference = 90cm (men) / 80cm (women). | Globorisk predicted 10-year CVD risk is not a function of central adiposity, but this is measured as part of PhilPEN risk assessment. Weight circumference will be measured followed a standardized procedure. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion with undiagnosed hypertension | A measure of diagnosis and medication of hypertension. Numerator = systolic/diastolic BP = 140/90 + not diagnosed with hypertension. Denominator = all respondents. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Proportion taking antihypertensive medication in the last 2 weeks. | A measure of diagnosis and medication of hypertension. Numerator = systolic/diastolic BP = 140/90 + not diagnosed with hypertension. Denominator = all respondents. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Alcohol consumption | A measure of health behavior consistent with those of World Health Organization (WHO) STEPS. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Diet (intake of fruits, vegetables and salty foods) | A measure of health behavior consistent with those of WHO STEPS. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Exercise | A measure of health behavior consistent with those of WHO STEPS. | 6-9 months | |
Secondary | Knowledge of CVD and diabetes risk factors | Knowledge of CVD and diabetes risk factors assessed using questions adapted from previously fielded instruments. | 6-9 months |
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
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Completed |
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Recruiting |
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Completed |
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Completed |
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Completed |
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Completed |
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Completed |
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