View clinical trials related to Vision, Low.
Filter by:Active eye movement control training, an old and still most prevalent intervention in low vision rehabilitation (LVR) was never used in nystagmus clinically. Biofeedback training (BT) is the latest and newest technique for oculomotor control training in cases with low vision when using available modules in the new microperimetry instruments. Laboratory studies in the literature highlighted positive benefits from using BT in nystagmus cases. The purpose of this study is to assess systematically the impact of BT in a series of cases with Infantile Idiopathic Nystagmus (IIN) and formulate guidelines for further use of this intervention in nystagmus cases in general.
The successful application of magnification devices for reading and daily tasks is predicated on their correct use by individuals with low vision (LV). Barriers related to transportation, geography, and/or co-morbidities often limit LV patients' ability to attend several in-office training sessions as part of low vision rehabilitation (LVR) to optimize visual function with magnification devices. A promising solution is real-time videoconferencing to provide telerehabilitation, involving remotely delivered LVR services by a LVR provider in office to a patient at home. Telerehabilitation for LV appears to be feasible and acceptable by both patients and LVR providers, yet there are no published outcomes on the potential to improve patients' visual functioning. Another key issue in LVR is the need for an effective system to continually assess how patients are functioning at home. Ideally this would involve a non-invasive, efficient method to assess when magnifier device abandonment occurs, so that a timely telerehabilitation session can be initiated. Small Bluetooth low energy beacon sensors attached to the handles of magnifiers can collect real-time data regarding minute-to-minute environmental changes, which might serve as an indicator of magnifier use by LV patients at home. Specifically, the investigators propose to assess the potential for telerehabilitation to enhance visual function by providing remotely-delivered LVR training to use magnification devices. Following one in-office training session for new magnification device(s), the investigators aim to determine if there is additional gain in visual functioning by randomizing subjects to telerehabilitation or additional in-office LVR (active control). Participants will be assessed before and after two consecutive periods: (1) one month after a single LVR training session, followed by (2) up to three LVR sessions over a three month period either via telerehabilitation in the participants' homes or LVR in-office. The investigators will determine which patient characteristics and/or magnification devices are most likely to benefit from telerehabilitation. The investigators will also determine whether data from Bluetooth beacon sensors are valid indicators of hand-held magnifier device usage by LV patients at home. The study investigators will deploy Estimote Sticker beacon sensors to subjects randomized to telerehabilitation or additional in-office LVR during the same study period. It is anticipated that beacon sensors will measure significantly increased temperature and/or motion when placed on the part of the magnification device held by LV patients while performing daily activities. Beacon sensor data will determine if it is feasible to assess when magnification devices are used, and if the frequency of magnifier use changes following telerehabilitation or in-office LVR. This work will evaluate and refine the procedures for implementing these technologies for LVR, in order to develop future randomized controlled trial protocols. The investigators envision that telerehabilitation and beacon sensors could improve LV patient outcomes by providing follow-up LVR services in a more efficient and timely manner.
The National Eye Institute estimated about 3 million people over age 40 in the US had low vision in 2010 and projects an increase to nearly 5 million in 2030 and 9 million in 2050. Current assistive technologies are a patchwork of mostly low-technology aids with limited capabilities that are often difficult to use, and are not widely adopted. This shortfall in capabilities of assistive technology often stems from lack of a user-centered design approach and is a critical barrier to improve the everyday activities of life (EDAL) and the quality of life (QOL) for individuals with low vision. An intuitive head mounted display (HMD) system on enhancing orientation and mobility (O&M) and crosswalk navigation, could improve independence, potentially decrease falls, and improve EDAL and QOL. The central hypothesis is that an electronic navigation system incorporating computer vision will enhance O&M for individuals with low vision. The goal is to develop and validate a smartHMD by incorporating advanced computer vision algorithms and flexible user interfaces that can be precisely tailored to an individual's O&M need. This project will address the specific question of mobility while the subject crosses a street at a signaled crosswalk. This is a dangerous and difficult task for visually impaired patients and a significant barrier to independent mobility.
In industrialized nations diabetic retinopathy(DR) is the most frequent microvascular complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in the working-age population. The well-accepted strategy for prevention and treatment of diabetic eye complications focused on confirmed diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, cataract, etc, and there was no definitive therapy for preclinical central visual acuity (CVA) impairment, mainly because of its unknown pathogenesis. In our previous population-based study, the prevalence rate of early CVA impairment was as high as 9.1%, and that obviously limits the effects of diabetic eye diseases prevention and early-stage treatment strategy. Of note, the choriocapillaris is the only route for metabolic exchange in the retina within the foveal avascular zone, it was speculated that early CVA impairment is related to diabetic choroidopathy (DC). Recent research shows that the decreased macular choriocapillaris vessel density (MCVD) in diabetic eye ,which indicating early ischemia, is already present before diabetic macular edema can be observed; we have observed subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) decreased significantly in the early CVA impairment patients. However, up til now, there was no epidemiology report on early CVA impairment in Chinese diabetes population. In the present study, we plan to conduct a 10-year perspective cohort observation of 2217 Chinese type 2 diabetic residents without diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, cataract and other vision impairing diseases, trying to find out related physical and biochemical risk factors. The results will facilitate discriminating high risk groups of early CVA impairment in diabetic patients. In the same time, a quantitative relationship between SFCT change, MCVD change and CVA change will be established. This study will demonstrate the role of DC in the occurrence of preclinical CVA impairment, and provide important theoretic evidence of blocking agents which target on DC.
Blindness and visual impairment severely impact the visual health and life quality of people, particularly the 2.566 million senior citizens aged at 65 and above in Shanghai. The main reason is uncorrected refractive error, of which, 62.1% can be solved through refractive correction. For this reason, the uncorrected refractive errors of 154,000 senior citizens in Shanghai can be taken as a priority among the public health issues to prevent blindness. Now, with the aim to reduce the prevalence rate of blindness and visual impairment, it is planned to establish a public health service mechanism in terms of refractive error screening and correction for the elderly by relying on Shanghai's three-level (city-district-community) eye diseases prevention network, using proper refractive correction technology, and moving related services forward to communities in order to screen, identity, and correct blindness and visual impairment caused by refractive errors as early as possible.
The aim of this study is to obtain an early biomarker of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Friedreich's Ataxia which allows to diagnose the disease in an initial stage and to follow up the patient with optic coherence tomography, a fast, non-invasive and comfortable method
This study will evaluate the use of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) for the treatment of retinal and optic nerve damage or disease.
The aim of this study is to measure visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and visual field by SAP-method using a novel device Ocusweep compared to currently widely used methods. Addition to that, the aim is to validate a novel perimetry method (Visual Search Test, VST) which is based on reaction times in visual decision- making task, where the subject is allowed to move eyes and where the fixation is verified by the subject himself in contrast to standard automatic perimetry (SAP) where prolonged stationary fixation and external fixation monitoring apparatus is required. Reaction-time based visual field device Ocusweep is compared to generally used SAP methods. Those tests will be done for healthy volunteers and for persons with diagnosed eye or brain disease. Ocusweep OcuRT vision based choice reaction time test is validated for test repeatability and compared to Trail Making Test (TMT), Useful Field of View (UFOV) and Vienna Test System (VTS) reaction time tests. To evaluate the ability to detect unreliable results, OcuRT test is also done under cognitive load and with instructions to cheat the test.
The need for low vision services (LVS) will increase exponentially over the coming years due to the anticipated and exponential growth in the ageing population in Singapore and a rise in chronic non-communicable eye diseases. Finding the best evidenced-based management for chronic eye diseases contributing to low vision (LV) is therefore crucial. Improving patient responsibility is the key to managing LV effectively.1 This means achieving optimum self management (SM).2 However, there are currently no LV SM programs in Singapore and none has been evaluated using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design, the gold standard methods to evaluate health interventions. The aims of this study are to assess the effectiveness of the 'Living Successfully with Low Vision (LSLV)' program in improving quality of life (QoL) in 160 elderly people with LV attending the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) LV clinic. Of these, 80 will be randomly allocated to receive the LSLV 4-week SM program while the remaining 80 will receive the usual care. Comparisons will be made to determine the efficacy of the LSLV program. QoL, self-efficacy, emotional well being, and vision-specific distress will be assessed 2 weeks after training, and at six months and 12 months post intervention. This study will be the first evidenced-based RCT investigating the effectiveness of a novel vision-specific self-management strategy to improve QoL. It will also adopt a longitudinal design where the effectiveness of these interventions will be evaluated at 12 months-the first follow-up assessment of that duration at both national and international levels. Furthermore this will be the first study to characterize and profile the patients where the effect of the program did not demonstrate an improvement in both primary and secondary outcomes six months after its completion. The future clinical implications of this study include the potential to implement a successful model of LV rehabilitation in other tertiary centres around the country.