View clinical trials related to Violence in Adolescence.
Filter by:This study will adapt and test a culturally tailored, multi-component, and trauma-focused digital intervention to reduce the risk and effects of youth violence and substance use and bridge service access gaps for young Black males (YBM) in pediatric emergency and community-based low-resource settings.
The goal of this pilot randomized clinical trial is to assess feasibility and acceptability of a brief parent-adolescent dating violence prevention intervention (Engaging Together for Healthy Relationships; ETHR) delivered in pediatric primary care settings. The main questions it aims to answer is if ETHR is acceptable and feasible. 4 healthcare providers will receive ETHR to share with their patients which includes clinician training, provider-delivered scripts, resource guides, and a comprehensive website. This will be compared to providers conducting routine well-child care with their patients.
The purpose of this study is to determine the preliminary efficacy (via a micro-randomized trial [MRT] design) of augmenting Enhanced-Replicating Effective Program (E-REP) with engagement strategies to increase and sustain reach by healthcare providers (e.g., nurses, social workers) during implementation of the SafERteens program across multiple healthcare settings.
This study will evaluate, via a cluster-randomized controlled trial, the effectiveness of a community-centered intervention that promotes thriving and resiliency to reduce community violence.
This cluster-randomized community-partnered study will examine the effectiveness of a racial-, gender-, and economic-justice focused youth violence prevention program called Forging Hopeful Futures with youth ages 13-19.
The goal of the study is to understand if hospital-based violence interventions are effective for reducing youth violence among violently injured youth. This study will allow researchers to learn more about the intervention's effectiveness. The researchers also want to understand if the violence intervention impacts other behaviors, such as firearm use, drug use, aggression, risky behaviors, and rates of violent re-injury.
This study will use a randomized control trial (RCT) design to administer two versions of a multisession remote behavioral intervention for youth seeking Emergency Department care for a violent injury with the goal to reduce their violence involvement and associated negative behaviors and consequences. The study examines two versions of the remote therapy intervention - a standard RTI (S-RTI) and an Artificial Intelligence RTI (AI-RTI). The application of a just-in-time adaptive strategy to address youth violence is an important and novel direction for this research, particularly given the need to understand best practices for delivering behavioral interventions among lower-income populations.