View clinical trials related to Videolaryngoscopy.
Filter by:Tracheal intubation in the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with high incidence of difficult intubation and complications. Videolaryngoscopes (VLs) devices have been proposed to improve airway management, and the use of VLs are recommended as first-line or after a first-attempt failure using direct laryngoscopy in ICU airway management algorithms. Although until relatively few years ago there were doubts about whether videolaryngoscopes had advantages over direct laryngoscopy for endotracheal intubation (ETI) in critically ill patients, two recent studies (DEVICE (1), INTUBATE (2)), and a Cochrane review (3) have confirmed that videolaryn should be used?, and what is the best blade? . There are two types of blades commonly used with videolaryngoscopes: the "Macintosh" blade with a slight curvature, and hyperangulated blades. The "Macintosh" blades have a lower angle of vision, but they have the advantage of being similar to the blades commonly used in direct laryngoscopy, making them easy to use for the person performing the ETI. Hyperangulated blades have a greater angle of vision, improving glottic visualization, especially in patients with an anterior glottis. However, the need to overcome this angulation could potentially hinder the passage of the endotracheal tube to the vocal cords. It is unknown if either blade has any advantage for intubating critically ill patients.
The investigators aimed to evaluate the predictive factors for successful videolaryngoscopic intubation without stylet.