View clinical trials related to Vestibular Migraine.
Filter by:Vestibular dysfunction has traditionally been linked to various conditions that affect older adults. Recent studies have shown that children and adolescents suffer from vestibular impairments, yet the numbers are still low due to some factors, including the non-typical presentations. Vestibular migraine has been found to be the most common condition of vestibular dysfunction among children and adolescents. Nonetheless, most children remain undiagnosed due to lack awareness and vague clinical presentations. Parallel to that, there has been no consensus regarding the management algorithm. Most children are managed with pharmacological management extrapolated from the adult algorithm. Many clinicians fail to understand that pharmacological treatments are not sustainable long-term and should focus on lifestyle modifications such as sleep and dietary habits and other non-pharmacological treatments such as deep breathing exercises and vestibular rehabilitation therapy. This study aims to investigate the effect of non-pharmacological treatment in managing children and adolescents with VM. The investigators will use a standardised questionnaire before and after interventions to investigate the effect of lifestyle modifications, simple vestibular rehabilitation exercises and deep breathing techniques in children and adolescents with VM. Lifestyle modifications and vestibular rehabilitation exercise is a more sustainable way of managing children and adolescents with VM, avoiding the side effects of medication, and is more cost-effective. If the non-pharmacological treatment shows promising results, the investigators will continue with multicentre randomised-controlled studies.
1. To assess the criteria of positional vertigo in vestibular migraine patients 2. To assess the effect of vestibular rehabilitation therapy in management of positional vertigo in vestibular migraine patients
With its high incidence rate and low diagnosis rate, vestibular migraine (VM) can seriously affect patients' quality of life. Current treatment of VM mainly contain rescue treatment and prophylaxis, both of which are often pharmacological-based therapies and bring a series of unavoidable side effects, which leads to poor compliance of patients. Moreover, frequent VM attacks can seriously affect patients' daily life and work. Therefore, prophylaxis treatment is of great significance for VM patients. As a non-pharmarceutical therapy, acupuncture is widely used for a wide range of migrainous and emotional disorders. Thus, it might be an alternative treatment for VM, but current evidence remains inconclusive. The aim of this randomized controlled trial is to investigate the prophylactic efficacy and safety of acupuncture therapy in patients with VM.