View clinical trials related to Vestibular Diseases.
Filter by:. The main question is whether the vestibular system is affected by COPD. If there is an influence, the second question is what is the relationship between balance and vestibular interaction in COPD patients. A total of 10 COPD patients and 10 healthy adults will include the study. Respiratory functions, vestibular functions and postural stability of participants will be assessed. This research is planned to be carried out as a cross-sectional/descriptive research. It's planned as a pilot study. Comparisons between study and control groups will be made with independent samples t-test for parametric values and Mann Whitney U for non-parametric values.
In this research, the main purpose is to determine the effects of Circuit Training consisting of Structured Vestibular rehabilitation Program under the strict supervision of Neuro-Therapist versus Medicines and General (simple) Rehabilitation (only Home-based) in community-dwelling population of people diagnosed with Vestibular disorders. A booklet consisting of general instructions, simple vestibular exercises which are to be made a part of daily routine, specific diet plan and specific precautions to be taken by patients reporting with vertigo, oscillopsia and dizziness will also be provided to all the patients. This is a community service addition, added so that everyone in the society can have easy access to the instructions, will be cost effective, and will reduce their visits to the therapist.
No studies have explored how patients with chronic dizziness react to a diagnosis of Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (3PD) and their beliefs and representations of the diagnostic label. Investigating the experience of diagnostic labelling from the perspective of patients will allow clinicians to recognise whether this is a helpful term to adopt and ways to improve the clinical consultation. This is a qualitative study that will consist of semi-structured interviews with people with a new diagnosis of 3PD. The main objective of the study is to explore how patients react to this diagnostic label, what they understand about their diagnosis and how their own meanings affect their expectations and illness perceptions. Between 12-15 patients will be recruited from the balance clinic at Guy's Hospital, London, UK. The qualitative data will be analysed using thematic analysis which will draw on pragmatic interpretive descriptive methodology.
This project is aimed at patients with dizziness believed to be due to conditions in the balance organ in the inner ear (vestibular diseases). Dizziness can be bothersome and influence postural control negatively, and can cause secondary musculoskeletal disorders. Dizziness can also result in reduced work capacity. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the knowledge base regarding symptom burden, prognosis and treatment of prolonged dizziness. The hypothesis is that musculoskeletal pain at baseline is a prognostic factor for prolonged dizziness.
Multiple sensory cues are typically generated by discrete events, and while they do not reach the cerebrum simultaneously, the brain can bind them temporally if they are interpreted as corresponding to a single event. The temporal binding of vestibular and non-vestibular sensory cues is poorly understood and has not been studied in detail, despite the fact that the vestibular system operates in an inherently multimodal environment. In this study, the researchers are investigating the physiology and pathophysiology of vestibular temporal binding by studying normal subjects, patients with peripheral and central vestibular dysfunction, and patients with vestibular and cochlear signals provided by prosthetic implants in the inner ear.
The purpose this study is to measure sensitivity to visual and vestibular or balance motion. It is hoped that the results may help researchers better understand how aging and disease affect motion perception.
The aim of this study was to investigate of the effect of web-based System with oculomotor and optokinetic stimulation on rehabilitation in vestibular hypofunction. In the literature, studies on vestibular rehabilitation in unilateral hypofunction are very limited and there is no study about it.
The overall aim of this study is to elucidate the impact of a vestibular dysfunction on the cognitive and motor performance by means of an extensive test protocol, evaluating the vestibular, cognitive and motor function using single as well as dual-task paradigms.
Vertigo integrated with acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) is a frequent reason for emergency visits. The French and international literature estimates between 2 to 4% of vertigo prevalence among reasons for coming to emergencies. International classifications define AVS as vertigo or acute dizziness (less than one month) and persistent, gait instability, nausea or vomiting, nystagmus or an intolerance to head movements. In emergency departments, the clinical approach of vertiginous patients is difficult because the "vertigo" term is sometimes used in by patients, or because they use the terms "uneasiness", "vertigo", or "dizziness" without distinction. These terms sometimes include various sensations of "sleeping head", "blurred vision", "instability", "pitch" etc. A first difficulty is therefore to clarify these terms and organize syndrome expressed by the patient. A rigorous interrogation is therefore essential and can be time-consuming. Another difficulty is to carry out an exhaustive clinical examination including the assessment of the general condition and hydration, an ENT examination and a neurological examination. However, at the end of these steps, the orientation central or peripheral etiology is not simple. In the last consensus conference of the Barany Society (2014) the classification of VAS into three types was not sufficient to distinguish "benign" vertigo from "risky" dizziness (related to a central cause).
There is currently no score in French for evaluating disorders of the child's balance. Only one questionnaire was validated in the child in English in 2016, the " Pediatric Vestibular Symptom Questionnaire ". The objective of the research is to validate the French translation of this questionnaire.