View clinical trials related to Vaginal Delivery.
Filter by:This study will be a prospective cohort study. Patients who meet criteria for inclusion in the study will be approached for participation at same day of admission. Written informed consent will be obtained from the patients by the Co-principal investigator and by the study collaborators. If patients agree to participate, a CBC (complete blood count) will be obtained via venous puncture routine in our facility as part of the admission labs which will be around 10 cc of blood. The device will be used during the delivery in laboring room. The device will be used to assess QBL (quantitative blood loss) by the research staff only and results/ QBL assessment will be masked to the clinical team. Unmasking will only occur following study completion with purpose to perform data analysis. Patient management will be according to the clinical team without the knowledge of the QBL. All patients undergo a CBC postpartum as part of post-partum evaluation, this will also be performed by venipuncture where 10 cc of blood will be collected. The drop in Hgb (hemoglobin) between the pre and post partum CBCs will be calculated for each patient. The post-partum CBC will be collected approximately 24-30 hours from delivery as standard in our unit. The blood will be collected from each patient by the nursing staff who are experienced in withdrawing blood. Patients will be divided into quartiles of Hgb. Cases will be those patients whose Hgb is in the upper quartile, while controls will be those patients whose Hgb is in the lower 3 quartiles. We will be comparing visual EBL (estimated blood loss) by standard clinical assessment versus the QBL result from the device between cases and controls. The Triton L&D (labor and delivery) system which comprises of the device, software analysis and staff training will be supplied by the manufacturer free of charge. Research staff will be trained by the manufacturer. We will be offering our skills, fellows, midwifes and residents, who will be collecting data and we will be performing the data analysis. Results will be available to the manufacturer after results are completed. The results of this study will be presented in conferences or published in a peer-review journal. Demographic information will be obtained from the electronic medical record. The data will be kept on a password secured University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) computer. An encrypted USB flash drive will be used to transfer data. The data will be identified and linked to the patient using the medical record number. During data analysis, all patient identifiers will be deleted.
The goal of this study is to see if there is a better way to induce labor.
This is a comparative trial between oxytocin alone and dinoprostone for cervical ripening in unfavorable cervix pregnant women with 38 or more weeks of gestational age.