View clinical trials related to Urinary Retention.
Filter by:The purpose of this study are to determine the efficacy of tamsulosin compared to placebo in reducing post-operative urinary retention and improving other clinical outcomes in people undergoing thoracic surgery.
Post operative urinary retention ( POUR) is caused by sympathetic activation of the internal urethral sphincter after surgery. The smooth muscles of the around the internal urethral sphincter have been demonstrated to be rich in alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. Our research idea is novel because there has been no prior prospective study conducted using alpha-blockers to reduce post-operative urinary retention in patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair. The proposed research is important as existing studies that sought to understand POUR have merely established the risks factors involved. Despite so, the incidence of POUR remains high and no studies to date have investigated the use of specific interventions to reduce the risk of POUR. This is essential as patients who develop POUR have also been successfully shown to have significantly longer length of hospitalisation. Besides, the development of POUR can also cause significant pain/discomfort, increase risks of long-term urethral catheterisation and predispose patients to urinary tract infections
This study investigates electrical acupoint stimulation (EAS) administered in peri-operation for improving postoperative recovery in elder patients, who accept knee arthroplasty. the surgery cause to change of stress response, which might be associated with postoperative recovery of patient Totally, three groups are created, 1/3 participants receive transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation, 1/3 participants receive electroacupuncture, the rest 1/3 will use sham transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation.
There are no set national guidelines for the management of postpartum bladder. There is little evidence on the management of postpartum urinary retention and many hospitals have implemented their own postpartum bladder care protocols. Acupuncture has been implemented as an alternative course of treatment for urinary retention with reports of spontaneous restoring of micturition in all of the patients. The investigators aimed at examining if acupuncture is a useful tool to treat postpartum urinary retention.
Spinal Cord Injured [SCI] patients typically cannot "pee". Injury to the spinal cord disrupts the in-coming and out-going brain signals that coordinate bladder sensation and the emptying of bladder. SCI typically causes chronic retention of urine with uncontrolled leakage of urine. Some form of tube (catheter) is needed to drain the urine except with the mildest forms of SCI. Two types of tubes to drain the urine have been used for many years. These types are the urethral (inserted into the bladder through the opening usually used to empty the bladder) and abdominal, called suprapubic cystostomy tubes (put into the bladder through the abdomen). Bacteria (germs) normally live on our skin. Bacteria have sticky surfaces and so they stick to catheter surfaces. Bacteria reproduce very rapidly from a few dozen to over a million in 24 hours. In a warm liquid environment, like urine, bacteria can reach a density of 10 million per cubic centimeter in 48 hours which causes infection. Oral drugs and antibiotic-coated catheters delay this process by a week or two, but within a month 100% of patients have bacteria in their urine. Existing drugs cannot eliminate these microbial sanctuaries. The TBC is a 'closed access' abdominal drainage tube that has a 'cuff' or 'anchor'. It is permanently placed in the abdominal muscle to bond with the body's tissue. Another catheter is temporarily connected to the TBC that is easily replaceable in the clinic without anesthesia or special instruments. It locks to form a water-tight system. Many parts of the TBC are coated with an antibacterial substance that will delay the growth of bacteria. The TBC has been used with success in multiple animal studies. This is a Phase I human clinical trial in which the TBC will be used 10 spinal cord injured patients, each of whom will be followed for 12 months or longer. Abdominal catheter exit sites will be photographed monthly and tested periodically to document growth of any bacteria. Every three months, patients will complete satisfaction questionnaires and their urine will be tested for bacteria. Urine will also be tested as clinically indicated.