View clinical trials related to URINARY BLADDER.
Filter by:This is a single-arm, phase 1/2a study of formulated paclitaxel in subjects with low-grade, noninvasive papillary carcinoma (stage Ta) of the bladder. Part 1 of the study will enroll 6 subjects (3 per cohort) with low-grade, stage Ta transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder who will receive escalating doses of paclitaxel formulated as TSD-001 every 2 weeks for 6 treatments until Dose Limiting Toxicity (or until the Maximum Deliverable Dose) is observed (Maximum Tolerated Dose established). Part 2 of the study will enroll an additional 10 subjects with low-grade, stage Ta (uni-or multifocal) TCC of the bladder who will receive weekly TSD-001 for 6 weeks at the highest nontoxic dose (i.e., MTD) established in part 1 of the study. May meet definition of low grade without histological tissue diagnosis if on cystoscopic assessment they have a solitary papillary tumor. Part 3 of the study will continue to track subjects enrolled in Parts 1 and 2 to determine rates of disease-free survival.
The purpose of this study is to find out if using the combination of standard chemotherapy (gemcitabine and cisplatin) plus this new targeted pill (sunitinib) can help shrink your tumor before you undergo surgery for your bladder cancer.