View clinical trials related to Urethral Stricture.
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Establishment of a clinical urethral stricture database for a prospective longitudinal cohort study.
Pelvic fracture is associated with urethral injury in about 10% of patients . The common site of injury is at the bulbomembranous Junction and anastomotic urethroplasty with a tension free anastomosis remains the gold standard management for pelvic fracture urethral injury (PFUI) . Traditional reconstruction of PFUI requires mobilization of the bulbar urethra to reach the prostatic apex with deep dissection of the spongiosum and detachment of the bulb from the perineal membrane at the site of the bulbomembranous urethral injury, a maneuver that requires division of the bulbar arteries . Then, the distal bulb and bulbar urethra will depend on retrograde blood flow through the glans and some perforating branches of the dorsal penile artery and this is usually sufficient to maintain good vitality of the spongiosum and urethra under normal circumstances . When the distal blood supply to the urethra is compromised, either by congenital anomalies such a hypospadias, by previous surgery, or by the pre-existing pelvic fracture, the retrograde flow to the spongiosum is insufficient . In such cases, traditional anastomotic urethroplasty may result in ischemic bulbar necrosis, leading to a reconstructive failure and these patients usually fail to void soon after removal of the catheter, with subsequent retrograde urethrogram (RUG) showing a long bulbar urethral defect . In 2007, Jordan et al described a modification to excision and primary anastomosis (EPA) in the proximal bulbar urethral strictures particularly post radical prostatectomy, which includes mobilizing and preserving the bulbar arteries with the continuity of the corpus spongiosum is maintained . Gomez et al believed that vessel-sparing anastomotic urethroplasty is highly relevant in the PFUI scenario as it can theoretically help to avoid ischemic failure and cold glans syndrome improving sexual arousal. Consequently, they modified the standard reconstructive technique for PFUI by preserving bulbar arterial inflow . So that, we decide to compare between vessel-sparing technique and conventional repair in management of PFUI through a prospective study.
Read more »To evaluate the effectiveness of administering mitomycin C through intralesional injection after performing visual internal urethrotomy (VIU) for the treatment of recurring urethral stricture.
The field of research for this study is tissue engineering and the utilization of a small intestinal submucosa graft as a substitute biomaterial for conventional buccal mucosa in substitution urethroplasty of anterior urethral strictures.
To evaluate the outcome of visual internal urethrotomy in treating urethral strictures in males with a holmium: yttrium-aluminium garnet (YAG) laser versus when combined with intralesional injection of paclitaxel.
The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to To assess the effectiveness of intermittent bladder catheterization (IBC) in reducing the recurrence of urethral stricture among females in tertiary care hospital, Lahore. All the patient who have undergone urethral dilation by urologist will be divided into two groups i.e. intervention group and control group. In control group already diagnosed cases of urethral stenosis who have undergone urethral dilatation will be followed fortnightly for AUA symptoms scoring for urinary complaints and urethral catheterization with nelton 14 Fr to exclude urethral stricture recurrence. In intervention group, researcher will explain the patient about the intermittent catheterization technique and give the practical demonstration for better patient understanding and make correction in patient's technique of intermittent bladder catheterization. Patient will be followed from the day of recruitment in the study after every 02 weeks by the researcher for 2 successive months. In every follow up session, assessment of the urinary complaints via AUA scoring, review of patient's technique of urethral catheterization in intervention group, and each patient's adherence to the intermittent bladder catheterization (IBC) will be noted.
Read more »This study aims to compare the penile skin graft and buccal mucosal graft for substitution of long anterior urethral strictures using one-sided dorsal perineal approach.
To evaluate dorsolateral and dorsal approach urethroplasty in treatment of anterior urethral stricture by using buccal mucosal graft as regard voiding and sexual outcomes.
SURF is a randomised controlled, parallel group, single blind phase II study designed to assess the safety and potential efficacy of an innovative therapeutic strategy for urethral stenosis based on adjuvant injection of autologous Adipose-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction of Adipose Tissue (ADSVF) during endoscopic urethrotomy (standard care).