View clinical trials related to Type1 Diabetes Mellitus.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to gain more information about the step-by-step process that causes someone to develop type 1 diabetes. Scientists think that a person's own immune system, directed by genetic and environmental factors play a major role in its development. Participation involves a blood draw, a brief medical history questionnaire and measurements of height and weight. Some participants will be asked to return for annual follow-up visits for 10 years.
The study is designed to evaluate two different dietitian-led self-management approaches in carbohydrate counting compared to routine dietary care (control) on glycaemic control in adult patients with type 1 diabetes: 1. The basic carbohydrate counting concept aims at improving carbohydrate counting accuracy and day-to-day consistency of carbohydrate intake (the BCC intervention) 2. The advanced carbohydrate counting concept aims at improving prandial insulin dose accuracy using an automated bolus calculator (the ABC-ACC intervention) The main hypothesis is that structured training and education in either the BCC concept or the ABC-ACC concept will reduce HbA1c or the average glucose variability more than routine dietary education.
Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) commonly experience hypoglycemia and develop impaired awareness of hypoglycemia. Many patients using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system to mitigate these complications, but continue to spend a significant amount of time in hypoglycemia. The long-term goal is to develop novel and readily available therapeutic approaches to improve hypoglycemia course and awareness in T1DM patients. The objective of this study is to determine whether amitriptyline will improve hypoglycemia course and the ability to recognize hypoglycemic events in T1DM patients who are using CGM.
Rationale: Hyperglycaemia is an important cause of long-term macro-and microvascular complications in all patients with diabetes mellitus. However, only a small fraction of the patients with diabetes reaches the set target of glycemic control. Problems with adequate self-management usually underlie problems to maintain glycaemic control. Thus, patients need more support in order to reduce the burden and increase the effectiveness of their diabetes self-management. One way to do this is by using integrated technologies and personalized plans for diabetes care. For this purpose, the POWER2DM support system was developed to give patients insight into their condition and support diabetes patients and their health care professionals in setting and achieving self-management goals using predictive computer model simulations and behavioural action plans. Objective: To provide proof of concept that POWER2DM is safe and effective in improving glycaemic control, improving behavioural/psychosocial and lifestyle markers, and to assess the cost-effectiveness of the approach and to highlight any potential issues that may impede implementation. Study design: This is a pragmatic randomised controlled trial with 9 months follow-up in which patients will be randomised 1:1 to either Power2DM support (Power2DM group) or usual care (usual care group). There will be evaluation moments at baseline, after 11 weeks, 22 weeks and 37 weeks. Study population: 230 patients with diabetes (N=115 type 1 diabetes (T1D), N=115 type 2 diabetes (T2D)) recruited from out-patient clinics in the Netherlands (Leiden University Medical Centre and affiliating teaching hospitals N=115) and Córdoba, Spain (Reina Sofia University Hospital N=115). Intervention: The POWER2DM support group will receive access to the prototype 2 of the POWER2DM system. This system consists of two components: 1) the web-based Shared Decision Making Dashboard, used to set self-management goals together with a health care professional with the use of both short- and long-term predictive computer simulation models, and 2) the POWER2DM Self-Management Support System as a mobile application and webpage, used to support behavioural change in DM self-management. The system is fed with data from an activity tracker, a glucose monitor and manual data entry. Main study parameters/endpoints: Change in glucose regulation as measured by %HbA1c before and after the intervention compared between the intervention and control group.
The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of adiposity on resistance to insulin's ability to suppress hepatic glucose production and to stimulate peripheral glucose metabolism in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. In addition, this study will also examine the role of fatty liver disease on the insulin resistance of obesity in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
The iLet is a closed-loop delivery system that can be used in insulin-only, bihormonal, or glucagon-only configurations. Previous studies have utilized a phone-based bionic pancreas. The iLet consists of a touchscreen-enabled, menu-driven user interface and an onboard microprocessor that provides a comprehensive and standalone platform, which allows the iLet to operate independently of smartphones or other devices and without the need for internet support during routine operation. This is a multicenter study of adult participants with type 1 diabetes, who will manage their diabetes with the iLet bionic pancreas compared to usual care.
To access the relationship between metabolic control of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and cardiometabolic risk through noninvasive imaging modalities to assess the early vasculature changes.
The study is a 2-arm, double blinded, multicenter, 2:1 randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial. Subjects will receive hydroxychloroquine or placebo and close monitoring for progression of T1D.
A study assessing glucose variability in subjects with Type 1 Diabetes who have had islet transplant.
Investigators aim to further the understanding of environmental factors that underlie the progression to Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Dysbiosis, defined as alterations in intestinal microbiota composition and function, has been hypothesized to increase the risk of developing T1D in those with genetic susceptibility. Dysbiosis may result from modern dietary habits, such as broad consumption of the highly processed Western Diet, or by widespread use of antibiotics. Here, investigators propose to examine the impact of dysbiosis on the endogenous innate inflammation known to exist within families affected by T1D and if probiotic supplementation may beneficially modulate this inflammatory state. Participants will be asked to take the probiotic VSL#3 daily for six weeks. Stool and blood samples will be analyzed before and after the six week course of probiotics.