View clinical trials related to Transsexualism.
Filter by:This is an Internet-based survey of transgender and transsexual (trans) people aged 18 years and older living in Australia. This population has received limited attention from public health researchers, planners, and practitioners. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that trans people experience disparities in several important areas of health compared with the population generally. In particular, trans people are more likely to experience mental health problems (notably depression and anxiety disorders), use alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, and think about or attempt suicide. Additionally, trans people commonly report that their physical and mental health needs are not met, and underutilise preventive health care. Participants were recruited using several non-probability sampling techniques, (including purposive sampling and snowball sampling), because random sampling is not possible with this population. Medical, social, support, and advocacy networks used by trans people were used to promote the study. A mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology was used. Validated quantitative instruments were used to obtain measures of health and well-being, which will be compared against population norms. Qualitative items complement these measures, providing rich experiential data. The investigators hypothesised that: - the prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders will be higher than for the population generally, and that these conditions will commonly be undiagnosed and untreated; - depressive and anxiety disorders will be associated with risky behaviours, such as tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use; and, - trans people will report poor relationships with medical practitioners. The investigators hypothesised that poor mental health is a consequence of several interrelated factors: body dysphoria (as a consequence of experiencing difficulty accessing medical treatment to alter sexual characteristics); societal discrimination and stigma (including harassment and violence); institutionalised discrimination (including difficulty changing identifying documents, and exclusion of surgical procedures and related treatments from public and private health systems); social isolation; and the belief held by many clinicians that transsexualism is a mental disorder (which may be a barrier to trans people forming trusting relationships with medical practitioners).
The aim of this study is to prove the influence of the sex steroid hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone on the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) binding using positron emission tomography (PET) and the selective radioligand [11C]DASB. Specifically, the 5-HTT binding will be quantified before and after hormone therapy underwent by 10 male-to-female (MtF) and 10 female-to-male (FtM) transsexuals urging for hormone treatment. The high-level, long-term administration of opsite sex steroid hormones in transsexuals provide the unique opportunity to investigate the influence of sex steroid hormones on the serotonergic system. Since the serotonin transporter serves as a primary target molecule for antidepressant treatment, the results of the study will be of benefit for the assessment of the clinical relevance of estrogen and testosterone as modulatory and neuroactive agents.
Genetic variations, i.e. polymorphisms, may be associated with gender dysphoria, e.g. transsexualism. This study aims to identify such variations.
The purposes of this study are: - to determine the role of testosterone versus dihydrotestosterone with respect to the following physiological functions: bone metabolism, body composition, insulin resistance and lipid profile - to determine the role of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone versus estradiol with respect to the following physiological functions: bone metabolism, body composition, insulin resistance and lipid profile
Participants fill out a questionnaire on libido and their possible partner relationship. A blood sample is taken for sex steroid analysis.