View clinical trials related to Tissue and Organ Procurement.
Filter by:Variation in organ donation after brain death (DBD) per million population varies markedly between countries, within country regions, between and within intensive care units (ICU). These circumstances also apply to end-of-life decisions in the ICU. The investigators studied all ICU deaths in Sweden between 2014-2017 in ICUs that, as routine, registered treatment plan (no treatment limitation and/or treatment limitation) and DBD. The investigators hypothesized that ICUs with high proportion of treatment limitation (withholding or withdrawing life sustaining treatment) also had less proportion of DBD.
A considerable number of potential cDCD donors do not convert into actual organ donors because circulatory arrest does not occur within the predefined timeframe of warm ischemia after withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. The main objective of this study is to determine parameters predicting time to death in potential cDCD patients.
Taking advantage of college students' frequent use of online technology, including social networking sites (e.g., Instagram a social media site /Facebook a social networking site) and social media sites (e.g., YouTube), the investigators will create an online intervention that leverages this technology to engage and educate Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islanders (ANHPI)students about a range of topics related to organ donation following death.
The overarching aim of this study is to examine the process of organ donation decision-making and to determine whether changes in requesting practices change rates of consent for donation, and other family-based outcomes.
The goal of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of paramedical and medical care personnel concerning organ and tissue donations, as well as their opinions on this activity.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of a 5-minute video intervention regarding organ donation and transplantation on increasing the number of organ donor cards signed in Northeastern Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (OBMV) branches and on willingness to donate organs while living. The investigators hypothesize that persons in the intervention group will sign more donor cards and be more willing to donate organs while living than persons in the control group.
This study will test the effectiveness of a multimedia campaign to educate ethnic minority teens about the choice to become a designated organ donor on their first driver's license.