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Clinical Trial Summary

Comparison of maternal outcomes following manual lysis of placenta 15 vs 30 minutes after delivery. A primary outcome of the drop in hemoglobin will be compared between the two groups. Secondary outcomes include maternal satisfaction, time to first breastfeeding, length of hospital stay, infection rate etc.

Clinical Trial Description

Women undergoing spontaneous term vaginal delivery with epidural analgesia will be randomly assigned into one of two groups: 1. manual lysis of placenta 15 minutes after delivery. 2. waiting 30 minutes and then manual lysis of placenta. Both groups will be managed actively during the 3rd stage of delivery, including oxytocin administration and controlled cord traction. Women who develop active bleeding will be promptly treated with manual lysis and excluded from the study. Manual lysis will be performed under epidural analgesia, and prophylactic antibiotics will be administered. Primary outcome of comparison between the two groups: hemoglobin drop after delivery. Secondary outcomes include: maternal satisfaction, time to first breastfeeding, length of hospital stay, infection rate etc. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03626844
Study type Interventional
Source HaEmek Medical Center, Israel
Status Suspended
Phase N/A
Start date November 20, 2018
Completion date September 2020