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Clinical Trial Summary

The aim of this study was to correlate functional tests, clinical tests and rotator cuff strength with the speed of serve. For that purpose, tennis players (ITN 2-4) will be recruted among tennis players in the Province of Liege. They will be assessed 2 times. During the first assessment, lateral medicine ball throw, 2 ball throws, upper extremity y balance test and shoulder rotation range of motion will be assessed. During the second assessment, lateral medicine ball throw, the 2 ball throws and rotator cuff strength will be assessed.

Clinical Trial Description

Forty healthy tennis players (ITN 2-4) will be recruted among players in the club of the Province of Liege. First session : - Clinical testing 1. Upper extremity Y Balance Test 2. Range of motion (internal/external rotation) - Functional tests a. Lateral Medecine Ball throw (5 repetitions) b. Single arm ball throw (1,5kg) d. Core endurance test - Assessment of serve speed (radar) during 15 serves Second session : - Clinical testing a. Assessment of rotator cuff muscles strength - Functional tests 1. Lateral Medecine Ball throw (5 repetitions) 2. Single arm ball throw (1,5kg) ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT04889482
Study type Observational
Source University of Liege
Status Completed
Start date May 1, 2020
Completion date August 31, 2020

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Not yet recruiting NCT03232229 - Supplementation in Tennis N/A