View clinical trials related to Stroke, Lacunar.
Filter by:About 35,000 people each year in the UK have a type of stroke, called 'lacunar' or 'small vessel' stroke, which is different to other common types of stroke and for which there is no proven treatment. It is thought that small vessel stroke is caused by damage to the lining of the tiny blood vessels deep inside the brain that stops them functioning normally. This not only causes stroke but, perhaps more importantly, causes problems with thinking and walking, possibly causing up to 45% of all dementias either on its own, or mixed with Alzheimer's disease (about 350,000 patients in the UK). Some drugs that are commonly used in other blood vessel diseases may help improve small vessel function and prevent worsening of brain damage. One drug (cilostazol) has been tested in patients with stroke in the Asia Pacific countries but not on dementia; the other drug (isosorbide mononitrate) is widely used in the UK for heart disease but not stroke. The investigators want to set up a clinical trial to test if the study methods are practical so that patients and trial centres can follow the procedures, and to confirm how many patients have more stroke-like symptoms or experience worsening of their thinking skills. This information is needed to be sure that a very large clinical trial to find out if these drugs can prevent worsening of small vessel disease will be possible.
In a double blind placebo-controlled cross-over study the effect of tadalafil on blood flow velocity in the large arteries of the brain, cortical brain oxygenation, peripheral endothelial function, and endothelial biomarkers will be tested in patients with lacunar stroke caused by cerebral small vessel disease.
In a randomized-controlled study the effect of high-intensity training, 5 days a week at home for 12 weeks is tested in patients with lacunar stroke.