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NCT ID: NCT00700128 Completed - Bleeding Clinical Trials

Prevention of Menstrual Migraines: Using Frovatriptan or Placebo During Hormone Free Intervals

Start date: June 2008
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will examine the combined effects of a continuous oral contraceptive (OC) regimen with supplemental frovatriptan therapy on headache severity and occurrence in subjects with documented Menstrually Associated Migraines (MAM). The subjects enrolling in the study will have cyclic menses either due to spontaneous ovulation or use of cyclic hormonal contraception (pill, patch, or ring). Enrolled subjects will start a continuous OC regimen following two baseline menstrual cycles. If breakthrough bleeding/spotting (BTB/BTS) occurs, the subject will institute a 4-day hormone-free interval (HFI). In an attempt to prevent/lessen the severity of headache during the HFI, subjects will be randomized to prophylactic administration of a triptan or placebo during this period. If no BTB/BTS occurs after 80 days of continuous pills, the subject will institute a 4-day HFI during which they will be randomized into triptan or placebo groups. The purpose of this research study is to examine the effects of continuous oral contraceptive pills and frovatriptan on headaches that occur around the time of your period. Many woman take continuous oral contraceptive pills (OC) and when OCs are stopped they may get headaches. This study will look if taking frovatriptan around the time of the period will affect the headache, and how it will be affected. Frovatriptan is an FDA approved drug for migraine headaches. This study is a prospective pilot trial.The study will last approximately 35-39 weeks.