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NCT ID: NCT04624334 Terminated - Clinical trials for Functional Constipation

Non-invasive Assessment of Colonic Motility

Start date: February 25, 2021
Study type: Observational

The current diagnostic process of colonic motility disorders often takes a long time and involves multiple invasive, painful and/or unnecessary diagnostic procedures. To improve this diagnostic process, the potential of Electro-Entero-Graphy (EEnG) is investigated. During the EEnG procedure, several surface electrodes are positioned (under ultrasound guidance) on the abdomen so that electrical activity originating in the colon can be measured. Measurements will be performed after a period of fasting (when the colon is 'silent') and just after a meal (when the colon is moving) in both participants suffering from colonic motility disorders and healthy controls. It is hypothesized that these measurements are an indication of colonic motility and can be used as a diagnostic tool for colonic motility disorders. It is also hypothesized that this EEnG procedure is not more burdensome than the Gold Standard procedures for diagnosing colonic motility disorders. This will be assessed using questionnaires.