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Filter by:This is a voluntary research study to find out which location in the heart a pacemaker wire is the most efficient for a patient's heart and for battery life. Patients who volunteer and are eligible for the study will be randomized to receive one of two positions for the wire to be screwed into, in addition to studying multiple positions in the heart during the pacemaker insertion. Enrolled patients will be in the study for 1 year. They will also have an Ultrasound of their heart performed to assess how the pacemaker wire is affecting their heart. Pacemakers are connected to the heart by wires that are screwed into the heart. The wires can be connected to the heart in different places, which can affect how well the heart beats over time. The typical position is at the tip of the heart. This position may cause the heart to beat inefficiently. Over time, this could lead to weakened heart muscle, irregular heart rhythm, and more hospitalizations. The heart has special muscle cells and fibers that carry electrical signals through and around the heart. An alternative spot to place the pacemaker wire is in an area where these special cells are grouped together (called the HIS bundle). The pacemaker wire can be connected to the heart at a location which may allow the heart to beat more efficiently when compared to putting the wire at traditional spots in the heart (called HIS bundle pacing). However, sometimes connecting the wire into the HIS bundle may cause the pacemaker battery to wear out faster. Physicians can also connect the pacemaker wired near the HIS bundle (called Left left Bundle bundle area pacing). The study physicians hope this will allow the heart to beat more efficiently without causing the battery to wear out faster. The study physicians would like to study how different wire positions change heart beat efficiency and how long the pacemaker battery lasts when the wires are placed in different locations. This study will connect the pacemaker wire at either the HIS Bundle or the left bundle area pacing, to see how effectively the heart pumps and how much battery is being used.