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Clinical Trial Summary

The purpose of Making Healthy Decisions is to design and rigorously evaluate a new sexual health education program, "Your Move" (YM) against a nutrition control program, "Eat Smart" (ES). YM is intended to improve teen females' (ages 14-19) ability to make healthy sexual decisions with the ultimate goal of reducing unplanned pregnancies and STIs.

Clinical Trial Description

Making Healthy Decisions includes two technology-based interventions designed to improve teen females' healthy decision making in relation to sexual relationships (YM) and nutrition (ES). Health educators from Planned Parenthood are trained to implement both YM and ES at youth-serving community organizations in their geographic area across several U.S. states. In a multi-site randomized controlled trial, females ages 14-19 are recruited from their local community-based organization (CBO) into groups/cohorts of 8-12. Each cohort is randomly assigned to participate in one of the two interventions prior to baseline data collection. Participants attend seven 75-minute program sessions that include facilitator-led games, activities, and discussions as well as personal reflection time in which girls practiced healthy decision making individually on an electronic tablet. Self-reported survey data related to attitudes, knowledge, and behavior around sex and nutrition are collected at baseline as well as 3 months after the intervention ends. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT02993185
Study type Interventional
Source Carnegie Mellon University
Status Completed
Phase N/A
Start date October 1, 2016
Completion date December 31, 2020

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
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