Type |
Measure |
Description |
Time frame |
Safety issue |
Primary |
Number of Participants Who Engage in Mental Health Treatment |
The number of participants who initiated mental health treatment/reinitiated mental health treatment versus those who did not. Mental health treatment engagement will be operationally defined as having =1 visit(s) or scheduled appointments to any mental health services within 120 days of the last online group. |
Post-intervention (immediately following last online group), 60-day follow-up, and 120-day follow-up. |
Primary |
Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale |
This is a 20-item questionnaire that asks about experience and frequency of depressive symptoms over the past week. Possible range of scores is 0-60, with the higher scores indicating the presence of more symptomatology. A score of 16 or higher identifies those individuals who are at risk for major depression (which is equivalent to endorsing at least 6 out of 20 symptoms for depression. Researchers will be looking for scores to reduce to below 16, indicating a lack of criteria being met for major depressive disorder. |
Baseline (pre-intervention), Post-intervention (immediately following last online group), 60-day follow-up, and 120-day follow-up. |
Secondary |
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
PTSD Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) , DSM-5 (PCL-5; Weathers et al., 2013) is a 20-item instrument that corresponds to the current psychiatric diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Participants respond on a Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely). A provisional PTSD diagnosis can be made by treating each item rated as 2 (moderately) or higher as a symptom endorsed, then following the DSM-5 diagnostic rule which requires at least: 1 Criterion B item (Intrusion symptoms; questions 1-5), 1 Criterion C item (Avoidance symptoms; questions 6-7), 2 Criterion D items (Alternations in cognitions and mood; questions 8-14), 2 Criterion E items (Alterations in arousal and reactivity; questions 15-20). A PCL-5 cut-point of 33 appears to be a reasonable value to use for provisional PTSD diagnosis. Severity can be determined adding scores of each item together to determine a total score. The range is 0-80. |
Baseline (immediately pre-intervention), Post-intervention (immediately following last online group), 60-day follow-up, and 120-day follow-up. |
Secondary |
Psychosocial Functioning |
Inventory of Psychosocial Functioning (IPF-B; Rodriguez, Holowka, & Marx, 2012) is a brief 7-item scale that assesses functional impairment or quality of life related to trauma and PTSD. Questions assess for impairment in romantic relationships, family relationships, work, friendships and socializing, parenting, academic pursuits, and self-care. Higher scores indicate greater functional impairment. Respondents answer each item by using a 7-point scale ranging from 1 ("never") to 7 ("always"). The IPF yields an overall functional impairment score. |
Baseline (immediately pre-intervention), Post-intervention (immediately following last online group), 60-day follow-up, and 120-day |
Secondary |
Substance Abuse |
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) is an 8-item measure of use of alcohol, tobacco products, and other drugs across the lifespan and in the past 3 months. The test has been shown to be a valid indicator of active substance use with adequate construct validity. Scores are summed across for each drug category separately with a maximum score for tobacco = 31 and a maximum score for each of the other drug categories = 39. A Global Continuum of Risk Score can also be calculated by summing all items for all drug classes together with a maximum score of 414. Scores are categorized into Low (0 - 3), Moderate (4 - 26), and High (27+) risk. |
Baseline (immediately pre-intervention) |
Secondary |
Substance Abuse |
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) is an 8-item measure of use of alcohol, tobacco products, and other drugs across the lifespan and in the past 3 months. The test has been shown to be a valid indicator of active substance use with adequate construct validity. Scores are summed across for each drug category separately with a maximum score for tobacco = 31 and a maximum score for each of the other drug categories = 39. A Global Continuum of Risk Score can also be calculated by summing all items for all drug classes together with a maximum score of 414. Scores are categorized into Low (0 - 3), Moderate (4 - 26), and High (27+) risk. |
Post-intervention (immediately following last online group) |