Severe Chronic Illness Clinical Trial
Official title:
The National Institutes of Health Measure of Healing Experience of All Life Stressors (NIH-HEALS): Factor Analysis and Validation
NIH-Healing Experience in All Life Stressors (NIH-HEALS) is a 35 item self-report questionnaire developed by the NIH Clinical Center Pain and Palliative care. It assesses an individual's mechanisms for coping as a means to reach "healing" during life's difficult situations and/or life limiting challenges. The factorial structure of the tool has been recently re-examined with 200 patients. The three main factors are: Connection (including religious, spiritual, interpersonal), Reflection/ Introspection, and Trust/Acceptance.
At the Clinical Center Pain and Palliative Care Service (PPCS) we have developed a pscyho-social-spiritual measure, the Healing Experience in all Life Stressors (HEALS), that focuses on the healing experience in people with severe and life limiting illness. We have validated this tool further in order to be able to identify those individuals who may benefit from additional interventions to cope with their illness and even assist them in reaching a healing experience that is possible even in the midst of their unfavorable circumstances. Identification of vulnerable individuals as well individuals who do have transformative experience after being diagnosed with severe and life limiting illness, has far-reaching impact on the quality of patient care for the very sick patients. ;