View clinical trials related to Self-criticism.
Filter by:The proposed study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that takes place at Brigham Young University's (BYU) Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). The proposed study follows from the CAPS open trial which led to revisions of the compassion-focused therapy (CFT) protocol authored by Paul Gilbert. In essence, the study is taking existing evidence-based group treatments offered at CAPS, and comparing patient outcomes in a systematic manner. The investigators intend to replicate the improvement rates observed in the open trial with the revised CFT protocol and ascertain if outcomes are comparable to members who receive treatment-as-usual-TAU CAPS groups and those receiving CFT. Hypotheses: 1. Group members attending a 12-session CFT group will have higher levels of compassion and self-reassurance as well as lower levels of self-criticism (and self-hate), fears of compassion, shame, and psychiatric distress when compared to members attending the parallel TAU groups. 2. Amount of change in compassion, self-reassurance, self-criticism (and self-hate), fears of compassion, and shame will be comparable for CFT measures authored by Dr. Gilbert as measures developed by independent compassion researchers. 3. There will be comparable levels of change in general psychiatric distress, as measured by the Outcome Questionnaire -45 (OQ-45), in members attending CFT and TAU groups. However, there will be greater change in members attending CFT groups on measures of compassion. 4. CFT will lead to lower levels of internalized shame through the mechanisms of fear reduction and increases in the 3 flows of compassion.