View clinical trials related to Selective Mutism.
Filter by:The Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education and the Department of Psychiatry at Michigan State University have coordinated efforts to provide a diagnostic and treatment investigation for children, ages seven to eighteen, with Selective Mutism. The purpose of this study is to examine the utility of fluoxetine for the treatment of this debilitating disorder. Fluoxetine is expected to improve social anxiety and selective mutism symptomology.
This study examines the efficacy of the Integrated Behavioral Therapy for Selective Mutism protocol (Bergman et al., 2013). Participants are 60 children, aged 4-8 years, diagnosed with Selective Mutism (SM). The level of SM symptoms is assessed during first arrival to the SM unit of Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel (Intake), at the first treatment session, at sessions 12, and at the end of treatment. A secondary aim of this study is to assess the contribution of parent's characteristics (anxiety and depression levels, parenting style) to the childrens' SM symptoms level and to treatment achievements.
This study sought to evaluate an innovative post-acute continuation/transition planning treatment strategy that leveraged an in-person intensive treatment followed by online, videoconferencing-based "booster" sessions for youth with selective mutism (SM). Twenty children between the ages of 4 and 10 and their caregivers were scheduled to participate in an in-person intensive group behavioral treatment (IGBT) for SM and subsequently randomized to receive either (a) six, biweekly, hour-long, videoconferencing-delivered booster sessions or (b) no additional treatment for 12 weeks. Due to COVID-19-related physical distancing restrictions, the study team was unable to provide in-person services. Thus, the clinical trial was converted to an open-trial design focused on evaluating remote treatment options (i.e., remotely delivered caregiver training sessions and/or a remotely delivered IGBT) for these families. All families retained in the study have or will participate(d) in assessments at the following time points: Intake (i.e., 4-5 months prior to the remote IGBT); Baseline (i.e., 1 month prior to the IGBT), Post-IGBT (i.e., 2 weeks following the IGBT), and School Year Follow Up (i.e., 16 weeks following the IGBT).
The study's goal is to check and verify basic assumptions of a new selective mutism developmental model from Melfsen and Walitza through standardized and routinely used patient questionnaires. The primary emphasis is the question of a connection between selective mutism and high sensitivity, dissociation, emotional regulation, family structure, social anxiety and self-esteem.
This goal of this study is to evaluate an intensive group behavioral treatment (IGBT) program for children with selective mutism, a low base-rate childhood anxiety disorder. 29 children between the ages of 5 and 9 will be randomly assigned to participate in a 5-day IGBT over the summer or to a waitlist control condition, with the opportunity to participate in IGBT 4 weeks later. All children that participate in treatment will be followed up 8 weeks into the following school year.
This study is to assess the efficacy of a brief, 11-week, manualized Taming Sneaky Fears for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and/or Selective Mutism (SM) child and parent group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) treatment protocol. Children 4 to 7 years old (n = 88) meeting criteria for SAD and/or SM, and their parents are recruited from the Psychiatry Outpatient Program and participants will be randomized to either the Taming Sneaky Fears group or a parent psycho-education and child socialization group. Trained clinicians blinded to all measures and treatment assignment will administer pre, post and 6-month follow-up outcome measures. Investigators assess within-the-child and within-the-parent/environment factors that predict treatment outcomes.
Behaviorally and cognitive-behaviorally based therapeutic techniques (BT; CBT) that incorporate exposure therapy useful for treatment of anxiety disorders among typically developing children. Although a large amount of data demonstrate the effectiveness of of BT and CBT approaches for treating anxious youth, there is a gap in the literature for the effectiveness of these approaches for children under the age of seven. Evidence increasingly suggests that family factors such as accommodation and parenting style contribute significantly to the presence of anxiety symptoms as well as treatment outcomes, particularly in young children. These findings stress the importance of using a treatment approach in which parents are directly involved in education, parent training, and generalization of treatment effects. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate a new treatment program, parent-led behavioral treatment, for children ages 3 to 7 years of age who have a principal anxiety disorder diagnosis.
The main aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a web-based CBT protocol (entitled Meeky Mouse) in the treatment of children with Selective Mutism in Singapore. The researchers hypothesized that the Meeky Mouse program would be associated with higher frequency of speaking behaviors, lower levels of anxiety, greater improvements in clinician-rated severity of mental illness, and higher clinician-rated improvement scores at post-treatment.
Selective mutism (SM) describes inhibited and withdrawn children who are persistently mute in central situations despite ability to talk. SM may cause great suffering and create problems, both socially and related to learning. SM is associated with social anxiety, neurodevelopmental delay and bilingualism. The prevalence is about .7-8 ‰. Adequate assessment and treatment of SM is seldom provided in the mental health services. SM is considered hard to treat, and randomised treatment studies are lacking. This study will examine the effect of a manual based treatment for SM. The treatment consists of home- and kindergarten /school based interventions including behaviour techniques and psychoeducation. Defocused communication is a general treatment principle. Comorbidity, including neurodevelopmental delay /disorder, and predictors of outcome, will be examined. A pilot study was conducted to ensure the feasibility of the planned effectiveness study. Seven children, aged 3-5 years were included. Six has started treatment, and all talked in the kinder garden within the first 3 months. The present study will have a randomised controlled design with 1. Manual based intervention for 6 months compared to 2. Waiting list controls (3 months), and then manual based intervention. The sample: Children aged 3-9 years consecutively referred to the school psychology- or the mental health services in Oslo and Eastern Norway. Expected N = 24 based on the pilot study, is a sufficient sample size to answer our primary research question. The treatment will be given by a therapist from the research group or by a local clinician under supervision. The study can add essential knowledge on treatment of SM and make effective treatment available to clinicians in the community.
The purpose of this pilot study is to explore the outcome of a manual based treatment for children with Selective Mutism