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Seach Results for — “light therapy”

Systemic Light Exposure in Preventing Frailty in Older Patients With Prostate Cancer on Hormonal Therapy

Light Therapy to Prevent Frailty in Older Men With Prostate Cancer on Hormonal Therapy: A Pilot RCT

This pilot trial studies how well systemic light exposure works in preventing frailty in older patients with prostate cancer on hormonal therapy. Hormone therapy causes many symptoms of frailty in older men including fatigue, slower time to walk a specified distance, reduced activity levels, loss of lean muscle, and muscle weakness. It is not yet known if systemic light exposure may reduce frailty in older prostate cancer patients.

NCT03661437 — Prostate Carcinoma
Status: Active, not recruiting

Effects of Light Emitting Diode Irradiation on the Conduction Parameters of the Superficial Radial Nerve

The Effect of Light Therapy on Superficial Radial Nerve Conduction Using a Clustered Array of Infrared Super Luminous and Red Light Emitting Diodes

The introduction of light emitting diode (LED) devices as a novel treatment for pain relief in place of low-level laser warrants fundamental research on the effect of LED devices on one of the potential explanatory mechanisms: peripheral neurophysiology in vivo. A randomized controlled study will be conducted by measuring nerve conduction on the superficial radial nerve of healthy subjects (n=64). One baseline measurement and five post-irradiation recordings (2-min interval each) will be performed of the nerve conduction velocity (NCV) and peak latency (PL) and peak amplitude (PA). The experimental group (=32) will receive an irradiation of 2 J/cm2 with an infrared LED device (Dynatronics Solaris Model 705), while the placebo group will be treated by sham irradiation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of LED light on the conduction velocity and amplitude of the superficial radial nerve.

NCT01513148 — Peripheral Neuropathy
Status: Completed

Bright White Light Therapy in Reducing Cancer-Related Fatigue and Depression in Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatment With ADT Combination Therapy

Phase 2 Study of Bright White Light During Treatment With ADT Combination Therapy in Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer to PreServe PHysIcal and MeNtal HEalth (SHINE)

This phase II trial tests how well bright white light (BWL) therapy works in reducing cancer-related fatigue and depression in patients with prostate cancer that may have spread from where it first started to nearby tissue, lymph nodes, or distant parts of the body (advanced) and who are undergoing treatment with antiandrogen therapy (ADT) combination therapy. Combination treatment including ADT plus chemotherapy and androgen receptor (AR) targeted therapy or ADT plus AR targeted therapies work by reducing testosterone. Most prostate tumor cells rely on testosterone to help them grow; therefore, ADT combination therapy causes prostate tumor cells to die or to grow more slowly leading to improved overall survival in men with advanced prostate cancer when compared with ADT alone. However, lower levels of testosterone is also commonly associated with worsening fatigue and depression. If prolonged and severe, these complications can alter patient treatment plans, impacting not just quality of life, but leading to inadequate cancer control. BWL therapy is a type of phototherapy that utilizes bright white full-spectrum light, either through a light box or light therapy glasses to help regulate circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle, including the sleep-wake cycle which can become disrupted in cancer patients undergoing treatment, leading to increased fatigue. Additionally, exposure to bright light may increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is associated with mood regulation. BWL therapy with AYOpro light therapy glasses may serve as a supportive care measure for men with advanced prostate to help reduce fatigue, as well as improve mood and overall quality of life during ADT combination therapy to maintain cancer care without suffering complications of therapy.

NCT05869682 — Prostate Carcinoma
Status: Recruiting

Blue Light Emitting Diode Therapy on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

Effect of Blue Light Emitting Diode Therapy on Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

With the knowledge that VVC is an infectious disease of the genitourinary tract that is common in women of reproductive age, and because of the shortage of non-drug therapies for this condition, this study will aim to evaluate the effect of ultraviolet A/blue LED with a wavelength of 401 ± 5 nm in patients with a clinical manifestation of candidiasis and its ability to prevent recurrence.

NCT05795491 — Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Status: Completed

Chronic Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease by Gamma Light and Sound Therapy

Chronic Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease With Gamma Frequency Stimulation

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by significant memory loss, toxic protein deposits amyloid and tau) in the brain, and changes in the gamma frequency band on EEG. The investigator's lab found that boosting gamma waves in AD mouse models using light and sound stimulation at 40Hz not only reduced amyloid and tau in the brain, but also improved memory. The investigators developed a light and sound device for humans that stimulates the brain at 40Hz that can be used safely at home. For the present study, 60 participants with mild Alzheimer's disease will be enrolled and will use this light and sound device at-home daily for 6-months. Investigators will measure changes in brain waves with EEG, blood biomarkers, the microbiome via fecal samples, functional and structural MRI scans, memory and cognitive testing, and questionnaires at 3 in-person visits throughout the study. After the 6-month time point, participants will have the option of continuing in the study for one additional year and completing an 18-month study visit. This study will provide critical insight into extended therapy involving non-invasive 40Hz sensory stimulation as a possible therapeutic strategy for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

NCT05655195 — Alzheimer Disease
Status: Recruiting

Dual-light Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy as an Adjunctive Treatment to Corticosteroid Treatment in OLP - RELIEF-OLP

Dual-light Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy as an Adjunctive Treatment to Topical Corticosteroid Treatment in Patients With Gingival Involvement of Oral Lichen Planus - a Randomized Study

This study is designed to investigate the effectiveness of plaque control intervention by home-use dual-light aPDT Lumoral -device as an adjunctive or alternative treatment to triamcinolone acetonide (TCA) mouth rinse or other topical corticosteroid treatment on the symptoms and clinical appearance of symptomatic gingival involvement of oral lichen planus (OLP).

NCT05401201 — Dental Plaque
Status: Recruiting

Laser 360iQ: Optimal Light-laser Combination Therapy

Laser 360iQ: Optimal Light-laser Combination Therapy for the Improvement of Skin Color, Tone, Texture and Laxity.

To assess the safety and efficacy of light-laser combination therapy for the improvement of skin color, tone, texture and laxity

NCT04519723 — Photodamage
Status: Completed

Effect of Light Emitting Diode Therapy on Muscle Fatigue - LED

Effect of Different Pre Application Time Intervals of Light Emitting Diode Therapy on Muscle

The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal time interval between light emitting diode application and exercise to improve fatigue resistance.The results of this study could be useful in planning a rehabilitation program in musculature disorders and also in athletic training.

NCT04367727 — Muscle Fatigue
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Alzheimer's Disease Treatment With Combination of 40Hz Light and Cognitive Therapy - AlzLife

An Observational Trial of Alzheimer's Disease Treatment With Combination of 40Hz Light and Cognitive Therapy

Electrical activity in the brain known as "gamma" brainwaves help connect and process information throughout the brain. These gamma waves are diminished in Alzheimer's disease. New research in Alzheimer's disease mouse models shows that exposure to light flickering at the rate of 40 flashes per second or 40Hz increased gamma brainwaves and led to clearing of beta amyloid plaques in the brain, a key abnormality in Alzheimer's disease. This project will test the ability of a novel iPad App (AlzLife that delivers light therapy at 40 Hz combined with cognitive therapy to improve cognition, function, and quality of life in Alzheimer's disease.

NCT03657745 — Alzheimer Disease
Status: Recruiting

Therapy by Led (Light Emission Diode) in Cutaneous Lesion: in Vivo

Therapy by Led (Light Emission Diode) in Cutaneous Lesion: in Vivo

Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapy has been investigated in burns and skin ulcers, as it has a bactericidal effect and promotes tissue repair. This study aims to evaluate LED therapy at different wavelengths in the healing process of graft donor area in adult burn victims.

NCT03343353 — Burn Injury
Status: Not yet recruiting