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Seach Results for — “tinnitus”

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Chronic Subjective Tinnitus

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Chronic Subjective Non-Pulsatile Primary Tinnitus Compared to Placebo and Medicament Therapy

Therapy of subjective chronic primary tinnitus could be challenging. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is currently being tested for suppressing the symptoms. However, effect of stimulation remains controversial. The aim was to uncover real effect of rTMS stimulation for tinnitus treatment. There will be three groups, stimulation group, sham stimulation group and controlled group with medicament treatment. The investigators assume that combination of rTMS stimulation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary auditory cortex at both sides will be more efficient. The investigators considered a 10% improvement in the tinnitus questionnaire score and in the tinnitus masking to be clinically relevant.

NCT03425045 — Tinnitus, Subjective
Status: Completed

A Comparison of CBTi and Usual Treatment for Tinnitus Related Insomnia

A Comparison of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) and Usual Audiological Rehabilitation in the Management of Tinnitus Related Insomnia

There is evidence that CBT for insomnia (CBTi) is an effective treatment for sleep disturbance both as a primary problem and when co-morbid with other health problems, such as chronic pain. This study will investigate the effectiveness of CBTi as a treatment for tinnitus related insomnia. Tinnitus patients reporting clinically significant insomnia will be offered sleep-specific treatment. Six sessions of CBTi will be offered to one group of patients and 2 sessions standard audiological care (psycho-education and sleep hygiene) will be offered to another group. Both groups will be offered sound enrichment at night. In order to take account of the possible effects of clinical contact a third group will be offered 6 sessions of support without a focused tinnitus or sleep intervention. Accepted measures of sleep disturbance will be used as well as measures of tinnitus complaint. All treatment/contact will be provided at the Royal National Throat Nose & Ear Hospital. Participants will be involved in the study (inc. baseline period {2 weeks}, intervention {8 weeks} and follow-ups {4 and 20 weeks}) for 34 weeks.

NCT03386123 — Insomnia
Status: Active, not recruiting

Nitrous Oxide Treatment for Tinnitus

Nitrous Oxide as Treatment for Tinnitus: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Tinnitus is perception of sound without the presence of an external acoustic stimulus. Approximately 50 million Americans experience chronic tinnitus and of these, 10 million have bothersome tinnitus. The tinnitus research literature suggests that NMDA receptor antagonists may prove to be useful in reducing tinnitus. Nitrous oxide, a member of the NMDA receptor antagonist class, is a widely-used general anesthetic and sedative with a proven safety profile. The investigators hypothesized that the administration of nitrous oxide, an NMDA receptor antagonist, may be effective in treatment of tinnitus. The study design was a randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial.

NCT03365011 — Tinnitus
Status: Completed

Investigation of the NMDA Antagonist Ketamine as a Treatment for Tinnitus

Investigation of the NMDA Antagonist Ketamine as a Treatment for Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a very common problem that often accompanies hearing loss. It affects up to 1 in 10 adults, and about 30% of people who experience chronic tinnitus find it very distressing. In these patients, symptoms of depression and anxiety often accompany tinnitus and there are no approved treatments. Clinical trials are ongoing to test a glutamate NMDA receptor antagonist (called esketamine), which is injected into the inner ear. However, the preliminary results with this medication show that it only works for tinnitus that results from acute injury. It does not treat tinnitus resulting from progressive hearing loss. Research in humans and animals suggest that the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA are important in the development and maintenance of tinnitus. This data shows that over-activation of the NMDA receptor and a decrease in GABA signaling in the brain play a crucial role. Previous studies show that ketamine, which an antagonist at the NMDA receptor, increases GABA levels in the brain in participants with depression. Thus, in this experiment, this study will test the effect of ketamine on tinnitus, since it blocks the NMDA glutamate receptor and increase GABA levels. Two groups of participants will be included in this study: those who experience distress (symptoms of anxiety or depression) with tinnitus and those who have tinnitus but do not experience distress. Each participant will receive both ketamine and placebo on different days. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) scans will be

NCT03336398 — Tinnitus
Status: Active, not recruiting

Dry Needling on the Treatment of Chronic Somatosensory Tinnitus: An Open Pilot Study

Dry Needling on the Treatment of Chronic Somatosensory Tinnitus: An Open Pilot Study

Self paring study, double blind placebo controlled with chronic tinnitus patients attended at the Tinnitus Research Group HC- FMUSP, complaining of neck and/or cervical pain and with myofascial trigger point in the head, neck and/or shoulder. They were submitted to a complete otolaryngologist evaluation which included history, physical examination and myofascial trigger point checkup. Patients also performed blood tests, tonal and vocal audiometry, and psychoacoustic tinnitus measures. Self paring study, double blind placebo controlled. Each patient will be subjected to the dry needling placebo, 4 sessions, 1 per week, with placebo stretching, followed by washout period of two weeks, and 4 more dry needling therapeutic sessions and active stretching. On the first day of the study will be conducted the following evaluation: questionnaires THI and NDI, quantification of cervical pain and tinnitus through the Visual analogue scale (VAS), search and confirmation of the presence of PGM and cervical pain, psychoacoustic measures and somatic tests. This evaluation will be repeated at the end of the four placebo sessions, at the beginning of therapeutic needling sessions and at the end of the same.

NCT03295890 — Tinnitus
Status: Recruiting

EMDR as a Treatment for Tinnitus - EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a Treatment for Tinnitus: A Feasibility Study

Tinnitus may be considered as a form of phantom auditory sensation and as such parallels may be drawn with other forms of phantom sensation, such as the sensation of pain in an amputated limb (phantom limb pain). There has been recent interest in the use of eye movement therapies to treat patients with phantom sensations such as these. The role of eye movements in the propagation and maintenance of tinnitus has also been well established. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an established form of eye movement therapy called Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR). This research is important as EMDR has produced encouraging results for other forms of phantom sensation and current models of tinnitus fit well with the proposed mode of action of EMDR. Tinnitus is very prevalent in our population and is often associated with significant discomfort; however, there is a severe lack of effective treatments based on well designed clinical trials. The investigator wishes to assess the usefulness of EMDR against the current treatment that is available in many institutions including the Investigator's own. The Investigator intends to recruit 15-30 patients initially to run a pilot study, before embarking on a larger scale study. The Investigator hopes that this pilot study will run over the course of a year. If this study demonstrates a significant improvement in tinnitus in patient undergoing EMDR, this will be an important step forward not only for treating patients with this disorder, but also for understanding the pathways that initiate, propagate and maintain tinnitus perception.

NCT03218046 — Tinnitus
Status: Completed

Temporomandibular Dysfunction in Patients With Tinnitus: Assessment and Treatment

The Effect of Conservative Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders on Somatic Tinnitus

TMD treatment, based on state of the art knowledge derived from clinical studies will be applied in patients with tinnitus and TMD. When this approach proves to be useful for the treatment of tinnitus, it offers a new therapeutic option for patients with tinnitus. To understand how TMD treatment works for patients with tinnitus, we will analyse mediating factors, i.e. factors that contribute to the therapeutic effect. To help clinicians in their clinical process we will identify prognostic indicators, i.e. factors that predict a positive or negative outcome of TMD treatment. This can provide a helpful tool in clinical practice.

NCT03209297 — Tinnitus, Subjective
Status: Completed

Investigating Accelerated Learning in Tinnitus Participants Implanted With Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Can we Accelerate Learning in Tinnitus Participants Enrolled in the Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Study NCT01962558 /13-79?

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is possible to accelerate learning and improve memory performance in VNS implanted tinnitus participants by pairing VNS with a verbal paired-associate learning task.

NCT03143842 — VNS Implanted Tinnitus Patients
Status: Withdrawn

The Effect of Cervical Physical Therapy Treatment in Patients With Somatic Tinnitus

The Effect of Cervical Physical Therapy Treatment in Patients With Somatic Tinnitus

This study investigates the effect of cervical physical therapy on tinnitus annoyance in patients with somatic tinnitus. This study specifically enrolls patients with co-varying tinnitus and neck complaints, with low-pitched tinnitus or patients who's tinnitus can be influenced by neck movements or positions. These inclusion criteria were chosen, since a prior study showed that these factors were good prognostic indicators for a positive treatment effect.

NCT03131674 — Tinnitus, Subjective
Status: Withdrawn

The Value of EMDR in the Treatment of Tinnitus

The Value of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing in the Treatment of Tinnitus

A prospective, randomized, controlled, clinical trial with blind evaluator that uses TRT and EMDR as a treatment for tinnitus.

NCT03114878 — Tinnitus
Status: Completed