View clinical trials related to Rickettsia Infections.
Filter by:The purpose of this surveillance (non-interventional) clinical study is to genotype the causative agents of rickettsiosis in biological samples of patients from the Altai Republic, Russian Federation. This is a solely observational study in the patients with diagnosed or suspected tick-borne rickettsioses, with no intervention to the routine treatment and diagnostic process. During the study the medical history, diseases progress and symptoms, as well as treatments are being registered in individual case report forms. The rests of the samples used for standard diagnostics (plasma, or serum, and/or swabs of the tick bite site) are being collected and afterwards will be analyzed for a new rickettsia type. These data will be compared to the medical history and symptoms of the patients in order to identify clinical pattern specific for the new rickettsia type. Informed consents from all patients or their legal representatives are being collecting. The study was approved by the local ethical committee.
TIBOLA (TIck-BOrne LymphAdenopathy) is a tick-borne disease. The pathogen is most often rickettsia (R. slovaca or R. raoultii), but other strict intracellular bacteria have been described (Francisella tularensis, Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella hensenlae). Transmitted by ticks (Dermacentor), it is characterized by an inoculation eschar at the tick bite site, accompanied by painful loco-regional lymphadenopathy. It is most often a benign pathology, which can nevertheless leave sequellar alopecia or persistent asthenia. In spring 2021, an impression of increased cases was reported by clinicians in Eastern France. The study aims to clarify the clinical-biological presentation and the evolution of the number of cases of TIBOLA in this region between 2016 and 2021. At the same time, entomologists have noted an upsurge in this tick in certain biotopes in recent years.
The low confirmed rickettsioses cases rate may indicate the presence of rickettsiosis other than scrub typhus, murine typhus, and Q fever. The clinical presentation of rickettsiosis is variable and atypical that laboratory confirmation is necessary. This project is aimed to set up the laboratory to diagnose rickettsial and rickettsial like disease, which could help in develop rapid diagnostic kits, epidemiologic surveillance and prognostic factor.