View clinical trials related to Renal Angiomyolipomas.
Filter by:Treatment of angiomyolipomas is based on invasive techniques such as surgery or embolization. Development of anti-angiogenic therapies is a major and growing field of research in hypervascularized tumors. Angiomyolipomas have been shown to regress after prolonged treatment with mTOR inhibitors (Sirolimus), but with a large proportion of secondary effects. We showed recently that beta-blockers were able to induce regression of infantile hemagiomas. Consequently, we looked for and found, histologically, in a few cases of angiomyolipomas the presence of beta2 receptors. The aim of the study is to estimate if beta-blockers could induce regression or stabilization of renal angiomyolipomas in tuberous sclerosis in a pilot study.