View clinical trials related to Renal Anemia.
Filter by:Investigator-initiated, interventional, prospective study to assess the clinical and operational effectiveness of daprodustat in adult patients receiving in center hemodialysis or peritoneal home dialysis who are transitioning from Mircera to daprodustat.
The purpose of this study is to compare the similarity of major pharmacokinetic parameters after a single intravenous administration of JT1801 and NESP® in chinese healthy male volunteers. And to evaluate the safety, immunogenicity and pharmacodynamic characteristics of JT1801 and NESP® in chinese healthy male volunteers
This is a pilot phase II study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of AND017 in NDD-CKD patients
A multi-center, randomized, controlled study to evaluate the effect of different doses of roxadustate on hemoglobin target-met in peritoneal dialysis patients
Patients were classified into two groups based on the values of MCH and RBC, patients with MCH ≥30 pg but <35 pg and RBC ≤350×104/μL; and MCH <30 pg and RBC >350×104/μL. Associations between all-cause mortality and the distributions of MCH and RBC were assessed by Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards regression model.
This study is aimed to comprehensively establish the bio-similarity/bioequivalence in EPIAO® and EPREX® in terms of 52-week comparisons in efficacy, safety and immunogenicity. The targeted population is anaemia patients with end-stage chronic renal disease who previously received epoetin treatment and on haemodialysis.
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate a 1:1 dose conversion from Eprex® to UB-851 in terms of clinical efficacy and safety in subjects with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis.
DS-1093a is an inhibitor of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylases, and is expected to produce transient dose / exposure dependent increases in erythropoietin levels in subjects with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study will be conducted in 2 parts. Part A will involve subjects with stage 3b or 4 CKD, and will be an open, non-controlled parallel group investigation of three single doses of DS-1093a (6 subjects/dose), in which allocation to dose will be randomised. On completion of this part of the study an optional fourth dose may be tested to gain a more complete understanding of the PK/PD behaviour of DS-1093a. Part B will be an open, non-controlled investigation of a single dose of DS-1093a in CKD subjects (n=6) receiving haemodialysis. The dose for Part B will be determined based on the data from Part A.
This is an observational clinical research on patients with chronic kidney disease who are not on hemodialysis and receiving darbepoetin alfa to treat diagnosed renal anemia; the major objective is to explore novel erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA) response index in association with deterioration of renal function as well as occurrence of cardiovascular disease events.
The purpose of this study es to determine hemoglobin variability in kidney transplant recipients with chronic renal anemia.