Type |
Measure |
Description |
Time frame |
Safety issue |
Primary |
Mental health of parents (SCID) |
Proportion of parents without mental abnormities among the parents with initial mental abnormities, assessed by the external, independent "Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV" (SCID; Wittchen, Zaudig & Fydrich,1997) 18 months after. |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Sociodemographic information of the parents |
Sociodemographic information of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by ad-hoc items at the beginning of the study. |
At baseline of the study |
Secondary |
Health-related quality of life of the parents (EQ-5D) |
Health-related quality of life of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the EQ-5D (Brooks, Rabin & Charro, 2003; Hinz, Klaiberg, Brahler & Konig, 2006) at the beginning of the study as well as six, 12 and 18 months after the randomization. |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Health-related quality of life of the parents (ULQIE) |
Health-related quality of life of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Ulmer Lebensqualitäts-inventar für Eltern chronisch kranker Kinder" (ULQIE; Goldbeck & Storck, 2002) at the beginning of the study as well as six, 12 and 18 months after the randomization. |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Health-related quality of life of the parents (SF-12) |
Health-related quality of life of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Short Form 12" (SF-12; Bullinger & Kirchberger, 1998) at the beginning of the study as well as six, 12 and 18 months after the randomization. |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Health-related quality of life of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (Kidscreen-27) |
Health-related quality of life of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and of the siblings, assessed from the perspective of the child/adolescent (from 10 years of age) and from the perspective of the parents by the Kidscreen-27 (The KIDSCREEN Group Europe, 2006). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Health-related quality of life of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (DCGM-37) |
Health-related quality of life of the chronically-ill children/adolescents, assessed from the perspective of the child/adolescent (from 10 years of age) and from the perspective of the parents by the "Disabkids Chronic Generic Measure" (DCGM-37; Bullinger, Schmidt, Petersen & The DISABKIDS Group, 2002) at the beginning of the study as well as six, 12 and 18 months after the randomization. |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Mental health of the parents (PHQ) |
Mental health of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Patient Health Questionnaire" (PHQ; Löwe, Spitzer, Zipfel & Herzog, 2002). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Mental health of the parents (BSI) |
Mental health of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Brief Symptom Inventory" (BSI; Franke, 2000). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Mental health of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings (Kiddie-SADS-PL) |
Mental health of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings, assessed from the perspective of the parents and from the perspective of the children/adolescents (from 10 years of age) by an external independent interview "Diagnostic Interview Kiddie-Sads-Present and Lifetime Version" (Kiddie-SADS-PL; Delmo, Weiffenbach, Gabriel, Stadler & Poustka, 2001). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Psychiatric disorders of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings (CBCL) |
Psychiatric disorders of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Child Behaviour Checklist" (CBCL; Döpfner, Pflück, Kinnen & Arbeitsgruppe Deutsche Child Behavior Checklist, 2014). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Psychiatric disorders of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings (YSR) |
Psychiatric disorders of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings, assessed from the perspective of the children/adolescents (from 10 years of age) by the "Youth Self Report" (YSR; Döpfner, Pflück, Kinnen & Arbeitsgruppe Deutsche Child Behavior Checklist, 2014). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Coping of the parents (CHIP-D) |
Coping of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the German version of the "Coping Health Inventory for Parents" (CHIP-D; McCubbin, McCubbin, Cauble & Goldbeck, 2001). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Coping of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings (Kidcope) |
Coping of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings, assessed from the perspective of the children/adolescents (from 10 years of age) by the "Kidcope Checklist" (Kidcope; Spirito, Stark & Williams, 1988). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Social support of the parents, of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and of the siblings (OSSQ) |
Social support of the parents, of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and of the siblings, assessed from the perspective of the parents, of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and from the sibling, respectively, by the "Oslo Social Support Questionnaire" (OSSQ; Dalgard, 2006). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Family functioning (GARF) |
Family functioning, assessed from the perspective of the therapist by the "Global Assessment of Relational Functioning" (GARF; Saß, Wittchen, Zaudig & Houben, 2003). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Relationships between siblings (SRQ) |
Sibling relationship, assessed from the perspective of the siblings (from 10 years of age) by the "Sibling Relationship Questionnaire" (SRQ; Fuhrmann & Burmester, 1985). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Satisfaction with the relationship and parenting relationship of the parents (PFB) |
Satisfaction with the relationship and parenting relationship of the parents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Partnerschaftsfragebogen" (PFB; Hahlweg, 2016). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Eating behaviour of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (EDY-Q) |
Eating behaviour of the chronically-ill children/adolescents, assessed from the perspective of the parents and from the perspective of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (from 10 years of age) by the "Eating Disorders in Youth - Questionnaire" (EDY-Q; van Dyck & Hilbert, 2016). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Body-related eating behaviour of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (ChEDE-Q8) |
Body-related eating behaviour of the chronically-ill children/adolescents, assesse from the persepective of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (from 10 years of age) by the "Eating Disorder Examination - Questionnaire (Short Form)" (ChEDE-Q8; Kliem, Schmidt, Vogel, Hiemisch, Kiess & Hilbert, 2017). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Elimination disorders of the chronically-ill children/adolescents (Anamnesebogen Enuresis/Funktionelle Harninkontinenz) |
Elimination disorders of the chronically-ill children/adolescents, assessed from the perspective of the parents by the "Anamnesebogen Enuresis/Funktionelle Harninkontinenz" (von Gontard, 2010). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6,12 and 18 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Treatment costs of the parents (CSSRI-DE) |
Treatment costs of the parents, assessed from the perspective of an external rater by the German version of the "Client Socioeconomic and Services Receipt Inventory" (CSSRI-DE; Roick, Kilian, Matschinger, Bernert, Mory & Angermeyer, 2001). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Treatment costs of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings (CAMHSRI-DE) |
Treatment costs of the chronically-ill children/adolescents and the siblings, assessed from the perspective of an external rater by the German version of the "Children and adolescent mental health services receipt inventory" (CAMHSRI-DE; Kilian, Losert, McDaid, Park, Knapp, Beecham, Kusakovskaja, Murauskiene & the CAMHEE Project, 2009). |
Change from baseline of the study at 6 months after the randomization |
Secondary |
Treatment assessment (FBB-T) |
Treatment assessment of the parents and the chronically ill children/adolescents and their siblings, in self-assessment from the age of 10 years and by the therapist, assessed on the basis of the treatment assessment questionnaire (FBB-T; Mattejat & Remschmid, 1998). |
Change from 6 months after randomization at 12 and 18 months. |
Secondary |
Patient satisfaction (ZUF-8) Patient satisfaction |
Patient satisfaction of the parents and the chronically ill children/adolescents and their siblings, assessed on the basis of the questionnaire on patient satisfaction (ZUF-8; Schmid & Nu¨bling, 2002). |
Change from 6 months after randomization at 12 and 18 months. |