View clinical trials related to Quality of Recovery.
Filter by:Until recently, there was no validated scoring tool to assess recovery after childbirth. Ciechanowicz et al. developed and validated a postpartum recovery score for women with a caesarean section (scheduled or unscheduled): the ObsQoR-11. The psychometric validation of the ObsQoR-11 confirms its reliability, its response to change, its acceptability and its feasibility (average filling time of 2 minutes, and the possibility to print the questionnaire on one page). The use of this score allows the investigators to quantify the quality of the patient's recovery between 0 and 110 (0 being a really poor recovery, and 110 a total recovery), by allocating a score from 0 to 10 for each item. Since then, the initial version of ObsQoR-11 has evolved into a smaller version, ObsQoR-10, for which the pain items have been merged. Similarly, by assigning a score from 0 to 10 for each item, the ObsQoR-10 score allows to quantify the quality of the patient's recovery between 0 and 100 (0 being a very poor recovery, and 100 being full recovery). There are currently no translations of this score into another language, but the investigators can easily assume that they will be done in the near future. French remains the fifth most spoken language in the world. The investigators therefore feel it is necessary to validate the translated version of the ObsQoR-10 score.
The quality of recovery in patients who were reversed neuromuscular blockade by using Sumamadex and Neostigmine in laparoscopic cholecystectomy was compared through the QoR(Quality of Recovery)-15 questionnaire.
Recovery after surgery and anaesthesia has traditionally been assessed with objective measures including time to awakening, time to regaining airway reflexes, duration of stay in the recovery room and/or hospital, and incidence of adverse events like pain and post-operative nausea and vomiting. Increasingly, the patient's experience of their post-operative recovery is being recognised as an important outcome after surgery. The 15-Item Quality of Recovery score (QoR-15) has been validated to give a patient-centred global measure of overall health status after surgery and anaesthesia. This score has recently been translated and validated in isiZulu. Desflurane is the newest anaesthetic vapour to market, with many benefits from the anaesthetist's perspective: faster time to awakening, faster time to regaining airway reflexes, and a clearer sensorium post-operatively. However, there is a paucity of data evaluating whether this translates to better quality of recovery for the patient. Desflurane is more expensive than other volatiles; for economic use, it is recommended to use Desflurane with a low flow (up to 2L) anaesthetic technique. Isoflurane is the most commonly used volatile anaesthetic agent at Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital. Concerns about the increased cost of desflurane compared to isoflurane limits the use of this novel agent in the public sector in South Africa. Following an extensive literature review, no studies could be found comparing quality of recovery between desflurane and isoflurane using a validated quality of recovery tool like the QoR-15. The research question in this study is whether there is a clinically significant difference in post-operative quality of recovery (using the QoR-15 score) between desflurane and isoflurane inhalational anaesthesia in adult patients presenting for elective ophthalmological surgery under general anaesthesia. This study will therefore compare quality of recovery between desflurane and isoflurane inhalational anaesthesia. Furthermore, the study will evaluate the relative cost of using either volatile with a basal flow anaesthetic technique.
Among aesthetic or cosmetic surgeries, breast augmentation was the most frequently performed and the endoscopic transaxillary approach has become the preferred incision for Asian women. As breast augmentation must be performed under general anesthesia accompanied by its effects and potential complications, types of general anesthesia may affect the quality of recovery. Currently, the two most common techniques of general anesthesia are inhalation anesthesia (IH) and total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). The effects of these types of general anesthesia on the quality of recovery have been investigated for numerous surgical procedures. However, no prior studies have analyzed different types of anesthesia used for performing transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation. This prospective, parallel, randomized controlled study will evaluate the effects of inhalation anesthesia vs. total intravenous anesthesia on the quality of recovery in patients undergoing transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation.
The aim of this study was to assess whether it was possible to improve patients' self-assessed quality of recovery and reduce the level of post-operative nausea and vomiting in female patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy by simple perioperative measures in the form of a preoperative 200 ml nutritional drink and chewing gum during early recovery. Patients were randomised to an active group receiving the intervention, and controls provided with standard care only. Patients were followed by questionnaire interviews preoperatively and at 2, 24 and 48 hours after surgery.
SYNOPSIS Title: An observational study to investigate Quality of Recovery and the incidence and impact of Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)/Post-Discharge Nausea and Vomiting (PDNV) and up to 7 days in females undergoing laparoscopic abdominal surgery provided Apfel-score based PONV care and prophylaxis. Study period: September 2018- September 2019 Hypothesis: When a high risk patient, Apfel-score 3 or 4, is given Apfel-score based PONV care with strict adherence to PONV guidelines there should be no difference in Quality of Recovery between a high-risk patient and a low-risk patient. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate if it is possible to reach no difference in Quality of Recovery (QoR) between a high-risk patient and a low risk patient using Apfel-score based PONV care. Primary objective: Assessing Quality of Recovery, using QoR15 at 24h, 48h, 72h and after 7 days. Secondary objectives: Assessing the incidence and severity of PONV and PDNV in females undergoing laparoscopic surgery up to 72h. Assessing PONV and PDNV severity and duration. Nicotine habits and impact on PONV. Study outline: Females scheduled for elective abdominal laparoscopic surgery will be provided PONV care based on Apfel risk-score. All patients will fill in the QoR15 form before surgery (base line). PONV and PDNV will be assessed in the PACU postoperatively, after 24h, 48h and 72h. Quality of Recovery will be assessed up to 7 days after surgery. Treatment: The females will be given ordinary care after local routines, with strict adherence to PONV guidelines. Study population: 100 females aged 18-65, ASA 1-2, undergoing laparoscopic abdominal surgery in Danderyds Hospital. Primary outcome variables and examinations: When the QoR 15 reaches base line or better after surgery. Number of times the females experience nausea, retching or vomiting and the impact of emetic symptoms on the QoR.
In order to improve the postoperative period (namely pain control), several drugs can be used. For instance, ketamine is a general anesthetic that holds strong analgesic properties, yet also owns undesirable effects, in which hallucination phenomena is one the most common indicator. However, slight information is available about the real implication in the quality of the recovery on the use of ketamine for postoperative pain treatment. The quality of the recovery includes several health conditions, such as pain, physical comfort, physical independence, psychological support and emotional state. In recent years, investigations in this field has been attracted the attention by the health professionals, since is an indicator of the quality of post-operative care. To evaluate these parameters, questionnaires have been developed, in which the Portuguese version of Quality of Recovery 15 (QoR-15) is include. This questionnaire evaluates five psychometric dimensions. Therefore, the present study has the main goal, the evaluation of the effect of using ketamine in laparoscopic surgery and the quality of the recovery using the QoR-15 questionnaire.
The ObsQoR-11 is an 11-item survey that was recently developed to evaluate recovery after caesarean section. This has been shown to be valid, feasible, reliable and responsive to changes in health status. The aim of this study to validate the ObsQoR-11 score in an Irish obstetric hospital. The collection of supplemental data will allow its comparison to the QoR-15 score and calculation of the MCID.
A major innovation in hand surgery in the last decade is the popularization of Wide Awake Hand Surgery (WAHS). This technique consists of numbing the surgical area with local anesthesia with epinephrine and allowing the patient to actively move their hand intra-operatively to assess the strength and quality of repairs or fixations. Despite its theoretical advantages, the application in clinical practice has seldom spread further than simple hand operations, such as carpal tunnel and trigger finger releases. In many institutions, the current standard of care for hand surgery is the brachial plexus block. The primary objective of the study to directly compare the effects of local anesthesia with minimal sedation, performed by the surgeon, and the brachial plexus block, performed by the anesthesiologist, on patient-reported quality of recovery. Currently, there are no studies in the surgical literature directly comparing patient-reported quality of recovery, post-operative pain control, or time efficiency between local anesthesia and the brachial plexus block in hand surgery. This lack of information is a major impediment to the acceptance and adoption of a simple yet effective anesthesia technique that may increase patient satisfaction and time efficiency in the operating room. This proposed prospective randomized controlled study will quantitatively compare local anesthesia and brachial plexus block on three fronts: 1) patient-reported recovery at 24-hours post-surgery using the validated Quality of Recovery 15 score (QoR-15), 2) post-operative pain and opioid use at 24-hours post-surgery, and 3) nonsurgical time (defined as the time elapsed from one surgery's end time to the next surgery's start time) as a metric for turnover efficiency. The investigators hypothesize that patients randomized to the local anesthesia group will have a more positive recovery experience, a similar pain profile compared to the brachial plexus block despite common beliefs, and a shorter anesthesia-related and nonsurgical time. The importance of patient-centered care cannot be understated in a successful and high-quality health care system. The results of this study will provide valuable information regarding the patient experience during their post- operative recovery.
To the investigators knowledge there are no studies in the literature evaluating the effect of Dexamethasone administration on patients undergoing outpatient vaginal prolapse surgeries.