View clinical trials related to Psychotic Depression.
Filter by:Deficiencies in social cognition are part of the core symptomatology of psychotic disorders. And deficiencies in social cognition, the closely related concept of metacognition, and, for example, paranoid attitudes are all associated with violence. The link between social cognition and violence is also observed through rehabilitation, as both group-based Social Cognition Interaction Training (SCIT) and group-based Metacognitive Skills Training (MCT) have reduced violent behavior in patients with psychotic disorders. Thus, a better knowledge of social cognition and its rehabilitation in psychotic disorders can help to reduce risky behavior and to rehabilitate the significant social difficulties often found in psychotic disorders. This research study aims to examine factors underlying the efficacy of group-based MCT. The goal of the metacognitive skills training group developed by Moritz and partners is to strengthen the social and metacognitive skills of the patients participating in the group. The group consists of 10 sessions during which exercises and discussion are emphasized. The themes of the group sessions are, for example, jumping to conclusions -bias, empathy, and memory. Detailed information is available from the MCT website ( Overall there is meta-analysis-level evidence for the moderate effectiveness of MCT on positive symptoms of psychotic illnesses, such as delusions. Prior studies have argued that the unique factor underpinning MCT's efficacy is its impact on various cognitive biases, and that participating in the group especially reduces patients' tendency to jump to conclusions, which is a cognitive style associated with delusions and deficits in social perception and reasoning. As delusionality is related to the risk of violence, these results form a logical link between jumping to conclusions, delusionality, and violence. But the results regarding the effectiveness of MCT are still somewhat conflicting, and studies seem to be of varying quality. Additional longitudinal research and research related to the jumping to conclusion bias are also needed. The hypothesis regarding this study is that the MCT group reduces patients' tendency to jump to conclusions. These reductions are presumed to be associated in one-year follow-up with fewer mood symptoms, delusions, paranoia, and more psychological flexibility.