View clinical trials related to Prosthesis User.
Filter by:this project seeks to understand and quantify the effects of powered transtibial prostheses on socket loading and direct measures of residual limb health so as to inform the optimization of prosthesis fit.
This study is conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the Power Knee Mainstream Dynamic compared to passive microprocessor-controlled knees (MPKs) regarding metabolic cost for high active transfemoral amputees.The test is of a single group repeated measures crossover design. The primary endpoint is the difference in MET/HRI-VO2 index between conditions. Subjects are measured on their prescribed device at visit 1, be fitted to the PKM which they wear as their primary prosthesis for one week before coming for visit 2 and being measured again on the PKM.
Liberating Technologies, Inc. (LTI) has developed a dexterous prosthetic fingertip that will be fit onto an i-Digits™ partial hand prosthesis and allow for an additional fine grasp. The device will interface with research participants' existing prostheses and use the same control strategy that is used for their everyday use. Each participant's prosthesis will be restored to their original configuration by the end of their testing period.
Lip support plays an important role in facial esthetics, being a relevant factor when realizing full arch implant supported rehabilitations. However, there is a lack of research on the three dimensional impact of such restorations.
Correlation between hernias reparation in patients who have received a kidney transplant. The investigators will analyze the data of patients who have been treated for reparation of incisional hernia after kidney transplantation with or without the placement of a prosthesis.
Study assessing four-channel prosthesis controller, that compares contralateral (mirrored) EMG-force training to ipsilateral EMG-target training with both limb-absent and able-bodied subjects
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of a voice activated prosthesis interface controller for functional outcomes as compared to standard prosthesis control.
The comfort and fit of the residual limb within a prosthetic socket are of primary concern for many amputees. The residual limb is typically covered by non-breathable and non- thermally conductive materials that can create a warm and ultimately moist environment. To address this, Liberating Technologies, Inc. (LTI) and Vivonics, Inc. have developed a thermo-electric cooling (TEC)-based module called the Intrasocket Cooling Element (ICE), that can be embedded into the prosthesis in order to cool the residual limb. A technology that can provide thermal control while retaining adequate suspension, weight and other prosthetic characteristics would benefit many prosthesis wearers.
The comfort and fit of the residual limb within a prosthetic socket are of primary concern for many amputees. The residual limb is typically covered by non-breathable and non- thermally conductive materials that can create a warm and ultimately moist environment. The investigators have developed a silicone liner approach to remove sweat from the skin and out of the socket and to passively conduct heat from the skin using thermally conductive elastomers. This liner has been developed to work alongside a thermo-electric cooling (TEC)-based module called the Intrasocket Cooling Element (ICE) developed in a parallel project by Vivonics, Inc. and Liberating Technologies, Inc. The ICE device can be embedded into the prosthesis in order to cool the residual limb. A technology that can provide thermal control while retaining adequate suspension, weight, and other prosthetic characteristics would benefit many prosthesis wearers.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of myo-electric training tools on prosthesis functional outcomes.