View clinical trials related to Preterm Pregnancy.
Filter by:This prospective study was carried out on 263 pregnant females aged from 19 to 35 years old carrying singleton, and uncomplicated pregnancy. TVS examination was performed in all cases at 28 and 32 weeks of gestation. The pregnant women recruited in the study closely followed up to delivery. Maternal progesterone was given to all women with short CL (<20mm and more than 10mm) to support pregnancy.
In this study, the investigators aims to evaluate whether antenatal corticosteroid administration to women likely to give birth in the late preterm period will reduce early and late neonatal complications and contribute to the literature in this sense.
Artificial rupture of membranes (amniotomy) is a commonly used technique to safely induce and augment labor. It has been shown to reduce the duration of spontaneous and induced labor in term patients (≥37 weeks' gestation). The utility of amniotomy in preterm patients (<37 weeks' gestation) undergoing medically-indicated induction of labor is unknown. However, it remains a commonly used strategy. We will conduct a trial comparing early amniotomy versus late amniotomy during medically-indicated induction of labor between 23.0 and 35.6 weeks gestation. Women will be randomized to early or late amniotomy after the obstetrician has decided to induce labor for a medical indication. We hypothesize that more women in the early amniotomy group will require cesarean delivery, and the duration of labor will increase in the early amniotomy group.