View clinical trials related to Placental Abruption.
Filter by:Cases with placental abruption will be identified by interrogation of two databases of Brest University Hospital between January 2013 and December 2018. First trimester PAPPA and bhCG levels will be recorded. PlGF levels will be measured in women with an available first trimester serum sample. Histological findings in placentas, course of pregnancies, maternal and fetal characteristics will described and compared between cases with and without placental chronic inflammation.
The pre-eclampsia is a frequent pathology, concerning approximately 5 % of the pregnancies.The pre-eclampsia can evolve into severe maternal and\or foetal complications and is a major cause of mortality. The purpose of the study will to estimate the relevance of the serum markers sFlt1 and PlGF to predict the arisen of severe complications at these patients, what would allow to decrease the materno-fœtale morbi-mortality due to the pathology.