View clinical trials related to Physical Suffering.
Filter by:H1a: There is a statistically significant difference in anxiety levels between women who received woman-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who received standard care. H1b: There is a statistical difference in terms of comfort levels between women who received woman-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who received standard care. H0a: There is no statistically significant difference in anxiety levels between women who received woman-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who received standard care. H0b: There is no statistical difference in terms of comfort levels between women who receive female-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who receive standard care.
H1a: There is a difference between the severity of physical symptoms displayed by puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period. H1b: There is a difference between the levels of readiness for discharge among puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period. H0a: There is no difference between the severity of physical symptoms displayed by puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period. H0b: There is no difference between the levels of readiness for discharge among puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period.