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Pharyngeal Swallowing clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03283020 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Pharyngeal Dysfunction

Opioid-Induced Swallowing Dysfunction - The Impact of Bolus Volume

Start date: November 11, 2017
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the impact of different bolus volumes and viscosity on remifentanil-induced swallowing dysfunction in healthy volunteers.Hence, whether swallowing tasks can be done safer during sedation by altering bolus volumes and viscosities will be revealed. Furthermore, the study will clarify underlying mechanisms (central vs. peripheral effects) of remifentanil-induced swallowing dysfunction. If methylnaltrexone reverses the remifentanil-induced effects on swallowing, this would suggest a dominant peripherally mediated mechanism.

NCT ID: NCT01924234 Completed - Clinical trials for Pharyngeal Dysfunction

Opioid Effects on Swallowing Comparing Younger and Elderly Volunteers

Start date: August 2013
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to determine whether remifentanil influence the pharyngeal phase of swallowing using using pressure and impedance recordings. The purpose is also to compare remifentanil to morphine and younger to elderly volunteers.