View clinical trials related to Personality Disorders.
Filter by:The model of care for forensic psychiatry in Italy was changed by law (Law 81/2014) so that the six legacy secure forensic hospitals (Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals, OPG) were closed and new secure community residences for the execution of security measures (REMS) were opened in each of the 20 regions of Italy. This transition was in place by 2015. This observational study evaluates the health gains for patients both previously in OPGs and those admitted first to REMS. Health gains assessed include recovery measured by symptoms, function, need for therapeutic security and recovery of legal autonomy.
Background: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a serious mental disorder. Mentalization-based treatment (MBT) is one evidence-based treatment for individuals with BPD. Specifically, MBT has been highlighted for its effectiveness in reduction of suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). Yet, randomized-controlled trials (RCT) on MBT in outpatient settings compared with bona fide treatment (BFT) are still scarce and none has been conducted in Germany. The primary objective of this RCT is to investigate whether outpatient MBT is more effective in the reduction of crisis events (incidences of NSSI and suicide attempts) compared with BFT (namely psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy) in Germany. Secondary, MBT's efficacy will be investigated with regard to cost-effectiveness, general and interpersonal functioning, BPD and general symptom severity, social adjustment, quality of life, reduction in psychotropic medication and therapy retention. Additionally, moderator as well as common and treatment specific mediator variables will be investigated. Study Design/ Study Population/ Methods: Across 5 study sites in Germany, 304 individuals of all genders from age 18 to 65 with a BPD diagnosis and NSSI or suicide attempts in the past will be asked to participate in the study for two years. In the first year, patients will receive either MBT or BFT (psychodynamic or cognitive behavioural psychotherapy) and will take part in continuous scientific assessments. Scientific assessments will continue after therapy completion up to a 12-moth follow up. As primary outcome, crisis events will be assessed via ecological momentary assessment (EMA) four times a week once per month during the first year and once every three months in the second year. Number of crisis events up to 2 years post randomization will be compared between treatment arms using a log-linear regression model following an intention-to-treat approach. Secondary outcomes, such as borderline and general symptom severity, will be assessed at several timepoints. A within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) will be conducted with a societal perspective. Clinical Trial Rationale: This study investigates efficacy of MBT as BPD specific treatment in an outpatient setting compared with BFT in Germany. Results of this study can address a treatment gap in the German healthcare system, and inform about health economic aspects of BPD treatment as well as mechanisms of psychotherapeutic change.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a difficult chronic mental illness. This diagnosis is common in Western countries. Our researchers want to study the outcome and its influencing factors of BPD for the first time in China. Patients with BPD who had been hospitalized in Wuhan Mental Health Center were selected as the subjects. The researchers retrospectively collected the most recent hospitalization data of these patients, and then prospectively follow up them for 2 years to see how their condition will change. By analyzing all data, researchers hope to know deeply about the development law of this illness, and to provide evidence for releasing these patients' suffering.
Participants with borderline personality disorder will undergo an a 2 - 4 week baseline assessment to determine level of outcomes of interest in the absence of treatment. After the baseline period, participants will receive six weekly 50-60-minute treatment sessions. After the 6 treatment sessions, participants will complete a 4-week follow-up period to determine the sustainability of the treatment module.
Taking part in medical study usually favors a particular demographic group. But there is limited research available to explain what trial attributes affect the completion of these specific demographic groups. This study will admit a wide range of data on the clinical research experience of borderline personality disorder patients to determine which factors prevail in limiting a patient's ability to join or finish a trial. It will also try to analyze data from the perspective of different demographic groups to check for recurring trends which might yield insights for the sake of future borderline personality disorder patients.
The goal of this clinical trial is to compare etc. in patients with borderline personality disorder pure individual schema therapy to combined individual-group schema therapy. The main questions it aims to answer are: - is there a difference in effectiveness? - is there a difference in (early) treatment dropout? Participants will receive either - individual schema therapy or - combined individual-group schema therapy. Researchers will compare individual to combined individual-group schema therapy see if there is a difference in effects and/or a difference in dropout from treatment.
Although borderline personality disorder (BPD) tend to the clinical remission in long-term follow-up studies, a significant subgroup of patients continues to present long lasting symptoms such as low mood, emptiness and persistent impairment in psychosocial adjustment. The prevalence of this subsample of individuals is considerably increasing last years. New interventions addressed to these individuals are need, the aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a novel intervention combining dialectical behavioral therapy skills training with self-compassion and contextual-based skills for patients with long-lasting BPD.
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) are associated with cognitive schemas that lead to care attrition and mistrust towards care. Considering this, establishing a strong, trustful relationship between the patient and the healthcare team is important to promote patient engagement within SUD management. However, it requires an important availability of the healthcare team, allowing for frequent interactions at all times, including at night and during days off. We postulated that a mobile application called MAURISSE, which aims to help the caregivers maintaining a link with the patient in order to facilitate trust in the relationship, could foster patient engagement as well as the therapeutic alliance. This research aims to compare the effect of the application MAURISSE on the therapeutic alliance in a population of patients treated for a disorder related to substance use at the Toulouse University Hospital.
This is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group controlled trial. The aim of this research project is to compare the clinical benefits achieved in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) following two types of intervention: ccPAS active or ccPAS sham.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often accompanied by a variety of other symptoms, such as bipolar disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), etc. The behavioral and social complications often marginalize the population, impact on life satisfaction, undermined societal values that impact on economic and financial fairness, and so forth. Furthermore, persons with ASD are neurodiverse from standardized pharmacological and clinical cares, and are interpreted disadvantaged in the context of neurotypical treatments. The research protocol aims to differentiate the neuropharmacological implications of ASD from its behavioral and social implications. Such a differentiation is beneficial to the quality of care for neurodiverse population, both in terms of precision treatment in medical settings, and in terms of psychotherapeutic treatment efficacy in the interpretation of behavioral and social traits. The study protocol continues from the adverse event of the participant in NCT05711810 trial, after the positive immunological results in the NCT05839236 trial. The intervention medicine continues from Sertraline adjusted on the choice of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) in the previous two trials for complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) of the participant, and its combined used with Duloxetine in the choice of Selective Norephedrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI) for norephedrine regulations. The hypothesized target is on the discrete psychiatric intervention centered approach to ASD treatment care. In the PRC where the study is being carried out, amphetamine class medicines are strictly prohibited and defined as illegal substances, regardless of their only proven effect for ASD patient care. Contributed by the sociostructural elements and necessities, black market amphetamine and ketamine have not only emerged in the regime for decades, but also have become a lucrative business. Their recreational uses are also sometimes accompanied by real necessities and needs; black markets cater to the needs but guidance on the usages is based on word-of-mouth stories without professional medical assistances. There is one case the Principal Investigator (PI) collected, that one person, possibly under depression contributed by PTSD, took relatively high dosage of amphetamine and went into a state of psychosis with overwhelming persecution mania. The study protocol, Psychiatric Orders in Psychoanalytic Treatment of ASD, is therefore designed for an evidence-based approach in treating complex psychiatric disorders with psychoanalytic guidance.