View clinical trials related to PCOS.
Filter by:In women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the cardinal physiological abnormality is excessive ovarian androgen production marked by increased serum testosterone (T) and androstenedione (A) levels. Studies to determine the alteration in ovarian steroidogenesis that lead to abnormal production of ovarian androgens have revealed increased CYP17 gene expression with accentuated 17-hydroxylase activity leading to exaggerated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17P) responses to luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulation. In contrast, T and A responses did not distinguish between PCOS and normal women, although these androgens were clearly greater in the former compared to the latter group. As a result, 17P responsiveness has been employed to determine the functional capacity of the ovary to produce androgens. The stimulatory agents that have been used included GnRH agonist, Lupron, at a dose of 10 microgram per kilogram, or hCG at a dose of 10,000 IU. The investigators propose to conduct a study that will determine the pattern of androgen responsiveness to 25ucg of hCG after 24 hours in adolescents with PCOS, those with oligomenorrhea, and in normal controls. This will allow for a comparison of these adolescents' ovarian functional capacity to produce androgens.
Increased insulin levels leads to increased secretion of D-chiro inositol(DCI) from the kidneys in women with PCOS, but not in normal women. This leads to a reduction in circulating DCI and insulin stimulated release of DCI-IPG.To determine if decreasing circulating insulin directly by inhibition of islet insulin release with diazoxide in obese women with PCOS 1)decreases the renal clearance of DCI and 2) increases the circulating concentration of DCI.
The purpose of this study is to look at genes (DNA) and how they affect health and disease. Genes are the instruction manual for the body. The genes you get from your parents decide what you look like and how your body behaves. They can also tell us a person's risk for certain diseases and how they will respond to treatment. We will collect a saliva sample for genetic research.
The rapidity with which progesterone (P) suppresses daytime lutenizing hormone (LH) (and by inference gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)) pulse frequency is unknown. We propose to assess this further using a randomized, cross-over, placebo-controlled study. Ovulatory women will begin E2 patches on day 4-8 of the cycle, while women with PCOS will begin E2 patches either on day 4-8 of the cycle or at least 8 weeks post-menses. After 3 d of E2 administration, women will undergo a 24-h sampling study in the GCRC. Beginning at 2000 h, blood for LH, FSH, E2, P, and T will be obtained over a 24-h period. After 10 h of sampling, either oral micronized P (100 mg p.o.) suspension or placebo suspension will be administered (according to randomization). At the completion of sampling, E2 patches will be discontinued. During a subsequent menstrual cycle (or after at least 3 weeks in oligomenorrheic PCOS), subjects will undergo another GCRC study identical to the first (including pretreatment with E2) except that oral P will be exchanged for placebo or vice versa in accordance with the crossover design. We will assess the acute effects of progesterone on LH frequency, with secondary endpoints being mean LH, LH pulse amplitude, and mean follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). We propose two primary hypotheses: (1) administration of P (at 0600 h) to normally cycling adult women during the follicular phase will result in a demonstrable suppression of daytime LH (and by inference GnRH) pulse frequency within 12 hours; (2) administration of P (at 0600 h) to women with PCOS will result in less suppression of daytime LH pulse frequency than in ovulatory women without PCOS. A secondary hypothesis is that augmentation of LH amplitude after P administration will be less in PCOS compared to normal controls.