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Clinical Trial Summary

We evaluated the impact on macrocirculatory hemodynamics and microcirculation in patients after cardiac surgery and compared the evolutions of those parameters between patients with tissue hypoperfusion and normal perfusion. Consecutive patients after cardiac surgery who required mechanical ventilation and for whom sublingual microcirculation measurements were possible enrolled.

Clinical Trial Description

We evaluated the impact on macrocirculatory hemodynamics and microcirculation in patients after cardiac surgery and compared the evolutions of those parameters between patients with tissue hypoperfusion and normal perfusion. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT04461743
Study type Observational
Source Southeast University, China
Contact Jingyuan Xu
Phone 8613851417209
Status Recruiting
Start date June 4, 2020
Completion date January 31, 2021

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Recruiting NCT06069349 - Timing of Mobilization on Delirium in Patients After Cardiac Surgery N/A