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Clinical Trial Summary

A national context for patient centered care development exists in France at hospital with strong support for the implementation of operational patient centered care tools. Patient centered care is a global vision of patient or family management promoting the respect of patient freedom, of patient listening and of patient needs. Patient centered care is an important issue of quality and security of care. The FORAP (Fédération des Organismes Régionaux et territoriaux pour l'Amélioration des Pratiques et des organisations) and the la HAS (High Authority of Health) have developed and validated five tools promoting patient centered care at hospital.

They can be implemented one by one or in association according to hospital situation. Hospitals should identify the association of tools fitting the most to their objectives and the actions already done.

The objectives of the project are to analyse the effectiveness of the implementation of HAS - FORAP tools on the development of patient centred care at hospital and to analyse the individual and organisational determinants of their effectiveness. It focuses on acute care hospitals that have the choice of the combination of tools and that are followed during two years with combined quantitative and qualitative analyses. Quantitative assessment are based on validated indicators on patient satisfaction, patient centred care development and organizational context. Qualitative data collection are realised in each included hospital and combine individual interviews and focus groups including Physicians, nurses and managerial staff.

Clinical Trial Description


Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT02411669
Study type Observational
Source University Hospital, Bordeaux
Status Completed
Phase N/A
Start date March 2014
Completion date June 2017

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Completed NCT05078996 - Treatment-related Quality of Life and Patient-Centred Care With Infertility