View clinical trials related to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.
Filter by:This randomized controlled confirmatory study will be evaluating an mobile application, MORA Cure (ETH-01K), owned by EverEx, Inc., to examine safety and effectiveness in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome.
The Anterior Knee Pain Scale (Kujala) is a questionnaire designed to assess adults with patellofemoral disorders and is widely used in both anterior knee pain and patellar dislocation patients.The questionnaire is a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM), that was developed in 1993 and has been translated and validated into most major languages (e.g. French, Italian, Chinese, German, and Spanish) and has gained wide international acceptance. In a recent systematic review, the Kujala was among the eight most commonly used PROMS for patients with patellofemoral pain. In addition, the Kujala was used in almost 80% of studies of patellofemoral instability/dislocation. The Kujala has been widely used in Denmark during the last 15 years, but surprisingly it has not been translated and validated in Danish according to international guidelines. The translation of the Kujala into Danish will stimulate to more valid and precise results of the Kujala questionnaire in both patients with anterior knee pain and patients with patellar dislocation The aim of this study is to cross-cultural translate and adapt the Kujala into a Danish Kujala-DK. Secondarily to determine validity and reliability of the Kujala-DK in two consecutive Danish populations of patients with either anterior knee pain or patellar dislocation.
Anterior Knee Pain (AKP) is a common condition that can be challenging to treat effectively. The main goal of treatment regimens is to improve the function of the knee. However, treatment can be challenging due to the knee pain experience. Cingal™ contains hyaluronic acid (HA), which acts as a joint lubricant, and the corticosteroid triamcinolone hexacetonide (TH). Some studies have shown that Cingal™ can improve joint function and provide short-term pain relief.
The participants will be prepared for image-capture data collection by putting four squared markers, each 4 cm in diameter, will be attached to their leg at three locations while the subject in this position: (1) proximal to a quarter of the distance along a line joining the greater trochanter to the lateral knee joint line, (2) over the neck of the fibula, (3) over the proximal part of the lateral malleolus. A fourth marker will be attached over the iliotibial tract adjacent to the superior border of the patella when the subject in a sitting position. Each participant will seat on the end of an orthopedic assessment plinth and blindfolded . Each subject will be asked to extend his/her leg and make two angles arbitrarily from the resting position (90º) to the full extension. Photos will be taken, while they keep their leg at each position for five seconds.The bubble inclinometer will be attached to the patient leg at the resting position 90 º knee flexion. The tested leg will be passively moved by the researcher through 20° to 60° of knee extension from a starting knee angle of 90° to a target angle which will be measured by the bubble inclinometer , the participant then actively held the leg in this position for 5 second. A photograph of the leg in the target position will be taken using the camera which will be positioned 185 cm from the subject and 65 cm from the ground The leg will then be passively returned to the starting angle, and the participant will be instructed to actively move that leg to the target angle and hold it in this position another photograph will be taken, and the participant will be instructed to move the leg back to the starting position , the process will be repeated 3 times for each target angle with rest time 5 seconds between shots. After completing the procedure for all subjects, the test and replicated angles will be measured using the AutoCAD software and determine the center of the markers. Also , same angles will be measured via clinometer smart phone application in those patients to assess its validityand reliability where the participant will hold the leg for five seconds for each angle where this process will be reapeated for three times for each angle.
Rotational deformities, such as femoral (thigh bone) and tibial (leg bone) torsion, are established causes of patellofemoral (kneecap joint) pain and instability. Currently, computerized tomography (CT) remains the gold standard assessment tool for measuring the degree of rotational deformity. However, there is disagreement as to the thresholds for surgical correction as it is suggested that some individuals compensate for the deformity better than others. Gait (walking) analysis provides important information of the biomechanical parameters undertaken in the knee joint during dynamic movement. In patients with rotational deformities, several variations from normal gait patterns have previously been described by several authors. Therefore, it is questioned whether these parameters can be correlated with the static features of CT scans, in individuals with rotational deformities. This study aims to determine whether gait analysis is a useful tool in the diagnosis and treatment pathway for rotational abnormalities in patellofemoral pain or instability. A secondary aim of this study will be to assess whether gait analysis can detect a rotational deformity in the lower limb and determine whether the changes seen are proportionate to the level of deformity. Patients to be included in this retrospective study are, adult patients, with presumed rotational deformity of the lower limb, with anterior knee pain, who have been referred to the gait laboratory for assessment, and for CT rotational profiles. Only patients who have given consent to the gait laboratory for their information to be utilised in research will be included. Two researchers will record measures of rotational deformity from the CT images. The gait laboratory assessment includes measurements of biomechanical parameters based on joint movement through the gait cycle - these parameters will be assessed and compared with CT measures for correlation. All research will be conducted at the hospital where the gait laboratory assessment has been performed.
448kilohertz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency is a novel technique in physiotherapy and its usefulness and clinical relevance is still to be investigated at both clinical practice and also in performance. Current studies show promising results in different musculoskeletal disorders, however there no studies in the assessment of quality soft tissue in sporty population after the used of this technique.
Purposes of the study To investigate the effect of adding Short foot exercise on patellofemoral pain syndrome on knee Pain, Function, Balance and abductors, quadriceps Muscle strength.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of myofascial release techniques applied on the superficial anterior myofascial chain of the body on pain, functional status, posture, biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of myofascial tissues in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. There will be two groups in this study. Each group will consist of 30 patients aged 25-50 years with patellofemoral pain syndrome. A total of 60 participants will take part in the study. Conventional physiotherapy will be applied to the control group, while myofascial release techniques will be applied to the experimental group in addition to conventional physiotherapy. Treatment programs will be applied to both groups 2 days a week for 6 weeks. Postural problems that can be seen in the superficial anterior myofascial chain line will be evaluated. These problems: forward head, q-angle, genu varum, genu valgum, foot postural problems and pelvic tilt. In addition to all these assessments, knee pain, lower extremity functionality and biomechanical properties of the anterior myofascial tissue will be evaluated.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the myofascial chain lines in addition to the general evaluation parameters in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) and to determine whether deviations from normal in the myofascial structure have an effect on the development of PFPS. There will be two groups in this study. One of the groups will consist of 28 patients aged between 25-50 years. The other group will consist of 28 healthy individuals between the ages of 25-50 years. Postural problems that can be seen in the superficial anterior myofascial chain line will be evaluated. These problems: forward head, q-angle, genu varum, genu valgum, foot postural problems (pes planus, pes kavus vb.) and pelvic tilt. In addition to all these assessments, knee pain and the biomechanical properties of the anterior myofascial tissue will be evaluated.
the study will be done to investigate the effect of hip adduction isometric contraction on the pain level by VAS and knee extensors peak torque by using the isokinetic dynamometer in patients with unilateral patellofemoral pain syndrome