View clinical trials related to Partner, Domestic.
Filter by:Background: In 2001, the National Health Service of the Ministry of Health and Welfare promoted breastfeeding by adopting the ten measures of successful breastfeeding. However, there is still much room for improvement in Taiwan's continued breastfeeding rate. Currently, although the breastfeeding education is given since pregnancy, the postpartum women were still suffering from baby's and themselves demands, such as unfamiliar with breastfeeding skills, fatigue, discomfort. When the baby is crying, I don't know how to comfort, and I need help from others. The nursing staff cannot provide immediate assistance due to busy clinical work. It showed that it is very important to include the partners to provide assistance and support to postpartum women. The prenatal education for partners is the opportunity to elevate the partners' ability of baby care and support to mothers. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore whether different prenatal education courses increase the ability of prospective parents to breastfeed, infant care, and support, thereby improving the preparation and quality of life in the early postpartum period, reducing the incidence of postpartum depression, promoting the parenting of newborns, and Attachment Study design: This study adopts a class of experimental design, the study recruited pregnant women 35 to 39 weeks of primipara and their spouses, the study subjects were divided into experimental group and control group, calculated by G*Power software, alpha is set as 0.05 while power as 0.8. It should be 51 pair of parents in two groups in the third time point. Considering the possible attrition, the investigators will recruit 80 pairs of the experimental group and the control group, respectively. Data collection was conducted on the structured questionnaire on the prenatal, early postpartum, and one month postpartum to explore the effectiveness of different prenatal education courses for primiparas and their partners. Expected outcome: The prenatal education is expected to elevate the partners' ability of baby care and support to mothers in early postpartum, to decrease postpartum blue, and to promote the attachment between parents and newborns. The results of the questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis using the suite software SPSS 15.0 for Windows.