View clinical trials related to Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumors.
Filter by:This study focuses on three different lesions: pancreatic cysts, lymph nodes near the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic masses. On one hand, the results obtained during previous studies are more advanced for the assessment of the diagnostic performance of Cellvizio needle-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) system for Pancreatic cysts. Safety and technical feasibility have already been performed, and an interpretation criteria classification exists. On the other hand, results for pancreatic masses and Lymph nodes are less developed. The study therefore comprises two sub-studies, one on the pancreatic cysts, and another on pancreatic masses and lymph nodes. 1. Cysts The primary hypothesis of the study is that using nCLE in addition to EUS-FNA and tissue sampling allows better characterization of pancreatic cysts and improves appropriate therapeutic decision-making. For physicians, integrating nCLE into the diagnostic algorithm of pancreatic cysts could impact patient management by : - Ruling out malignancy for patients with benign appearing nCLE images. - Characterizing more malignant tumors in the pancreas. 2. Pancreatic masses and Lymph nodes The primary hypothesis of the study is that in vivo imaging of lymph-nodes near the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic masses during EUS-FNA procedures is feasible and that descriptive criteria can be defined to further differentiate the different types of lesions.