View clinical trials related to Pain Measurement.
Filter by:Ankle fractures are one of the main causes of hospitalization due to injuries in Chile, which also have a discharge and partial load time of approximately 12 weeks in the recovery process. This generates disuse and atrophy of the posterior musculature of the leg called the triceps sural, which makes it difficult to restart and perform the gait. We conducted this research because practically all patients with this type of diagnosis have trigger points in these muscles, and dry needling technique is one of the best for its treatment, but has the disadvantage that it produces post dry needling pain of 48 hours and there is not enough information, or consensus on which method is better to reduce post dry needling pain. This study aims to prove wich technique is most useful in reducing pain post dry needling for the treatment of trigger points in the triceps sural muscle in ankle post fracture patients.
The randomized controlled trial study aims to validate a new pain monitor during general anesthesia by comparing the new ANSPEC-PRO monitor (non-CE marked) with already CE-marked pain monitors (Medstorm and Medasense). One hundred and eighty patients will be randomized into six groups, wherein each group has 30 patients. Patients preparing for a surgical operation under general anesthesia will be included to be monitored for pain during surgery procedure, while the standard monitoring, medication, and standard care will not be disturbed. Pain monitoring is done with the ANSPEC-PRO, MEDASENSE, or MEDSTORM in the operation room, before and during general anesthesia: the pain monitor will record data continuously, while the following will be recorded in parallel: blood pressure, heart rate, saturation, CO2, O2 end-tidal concentrations, electromyogram, signal quality, the given amount of analgesics and hypnotics, and TOF (train-of-four).
The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of photobiomodulation (PBM) with an Er:YAG laser on the palatal donor site following subepithelial connective tissue graft (SECTG) surgery. Patient-centred outcomes and wound healing will be compared between a control group, who receives no laser treatment, and the test group receiving PBM therapy. It is hypothesized that laser stimulation will have a beneficial effect on the patient's post-operative experience as well as the healing of the tissues.
Study patients are given a hand held device to track pain post surgery.