View clinical trials related to Non-healing Wound.
Filter by:Chronic non-healing wounds are becoming an increasingly more common problem. Eligible, consenting patients with chronic leg wounds will either continue to the standard of care or will be randomized to the treatment cohort where antibiotic solution will be injected in the area around the wound. All patients will continue standard wound care as dictated by the wound care clinic. Subjects of both the control and treatment will have approximately 6 study specific visits that may or may not coincide with previously schedule wound care clinic visits. As these specified visits wound size and healing will be documented and patients will complete surveys. The study will conclude for the subject after approximately 6 months. Again, these patients may continue standard wound care but will no longer have study obligations.
The observational longitudinal study will collect wound exudate from twenty patients with venous leg ulcers. Wound exudate samples are collected using twenty-four-hour collection with polyurethane foam, bandages and the NovaSwab method. Each patient is seen four times where wound exudate and the bacteria microbiome are sampled and wound size is monitored with advanced planimetric tools.
This prospective, randomized pilot study compares the use of a xenograft with PRP to a xenograft alone for chronic, nonhealing wounds.
The study will examine the effectiveness of a decellularized dermal matrix (i.e., DermGEN™) in improving wound healing, quality of life and associated costs of treatment of DFUs in First Nations people living in the Northwestern Ontario Communities. First Nations people with active diabetic foot (DFU) ulcer attending a wound care clinic located at the Rainy River district office. An interventional, two-arm, randomized, prospective study of (1) standard of care (control) vs. (2) DermGEN™ - a decellularized dermal matrix (treatment) will be used in the treatment and management of DFU. Patients will be randomized to each arm (n=60 per arm) based on power calculations using data from our Pilot study.
This is a randomized study to compare the safety and efficacy of a single dose of up to 2 grams of cefazolin administered using a new drug delivery method called Ultrasonic Drug Delivery (UDD), combined with standard of care (SOC) antibiotic therapy, oral or IV, compared to standard of care (SOC) antibiotic therapy alone, in treating chronic wounds with skin and soft tissue infection, containing gram-positive pathogens, in lower extremities.
Klorsept is a debridement solution of necrotic infected tissue promoting wound healing. The aim of this study is to elaborate the effectiveness and safety of this solution.