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Clinical Trial Details — Status: Completed

Administrative data

NCT number NCT03745469
Other study ID # Asmaa
Secondary ID
Status Completed
First received
Last updated
Start date November 20, 2018
Est. completion date January 31, 2019

Study information

Verified date February 2019
Source Cairo University
Contact n/a
Is FDA regulated No
Health authority
Study type Observational

Clinical Trial Summary

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of smartphone usage duration on neck pain and sense of position as well as Deep Cervical Flexor (DCF) fatigue in young and middle aged patients with chronic mechanical neck pain.

BACKGROUND: Neck pain is one of most common causes of musculoskeletal disorders with a prevalence up to 86.8 %. It may interfere with the ability to perform normal activities of daily living (ADL). Patients with neck pain may present with reduced Rang of Motion (ROM) and diminished cervical position sense.

There are many risk factors that have been associated with neck pain including physiological factors such as age or pathomechanical factors such as increased physical demand on the spine. Smartphone use has been proposed as a risk factor for the development of neck pain in young adults due to sustaining a prolonged static posture or repeating particular neck movements for long period. The adverse effects of smartphone increases as the duration of the use increases. Aging is associated with increased cervical reposition error and reduced DCF muscle endurance, yet it is not clear how older adults will respond to prolonged use of smartphone.

HYPOTHESES: Increased duration of smartphone use will

1. increase neck pain in middle aged compared to young adult patients with chronic mechanical.

2. decrease cervical position sense in middle aged compared to young adult patients with chronic mechanical neck pain.

3. increase DCF fatigue in middle aged compared to young adult patients with chronic mechanical neck pain.

RESEARCH QUESTION: Would increased duration of smartphone usage accentuate neck pain, cervical reposition error and DCF fatigue in middle aged compared to young adults with chronic mechanical neck pain?


Patients with chronic mechanical neck pain will be instructed to use a standard smartphone for web browsing, either for 10 or 30 minutes, while seated on a standard chair at two separate sessions. Task duration will be tested by a random order generated by the Excel software.

The outcome measures for this study will be neck pain, DCF fatigue and neck reposition error. All measures will be assessed prior to and immediately after performing the required task in each session by a single trained assessor.

Neck pain will be assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS), proprioception acuity will be quantified by measuring the repositioning error angle using Cervical Range of Motion instrument (CROM) and DCF endurance will be quantified using the neck stabilizer pressure biofeedback device.

Recruitment information / eligibility

Status Completed
Enrollment 80
Est. completion date January 31, 2019
Est. primary completion date January 31, 2019
Accepts healthy volunteers No
Gender Female
Age group 18 Years to 60 Years
Eligibility Inclusion Criteria:

1. Adult female patients with an age ranging from 18 to 60 years old.

2. Referred with a diagnosis of chronic mechanical neck pain for more than 3 months.

3. Patients should have at least a one year experience in using touch-screen smartphone.

4. Have a neck impairment of more than 8% on the neck disability index (NDI).

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Any history of upper extremity injury or surgery within the past year

2. Visual problems, dizziness and vertigo

3. Any deformity in the upper extremities or spine

4. Previous history of spinal surgery.

5. Neurological or systemic disorders that interfere with balance and sensation

6. Low back pain or deformity.

7. Patients with any red flags such as malignancy, infection, inflammation, myelopathy.

8. If patient having any physical difficulties interfering with the use of smartphone while sitting and standing.

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms


A standard smartphone will be used for browsing the internet for two different durations (10 and 30 minutes)


Country Name City State
Egypt The outpatient clinic of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University Cairo
Egypt The outpatient Clinic, kasr Al-Aini Hospital Cairo

Sponsors (1)

Lead Sponsor Collaborator
Aliaa Rehan Youssef

Country where clinical trial is conducted


References & Publications (100)

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* Note: There are 100 references in allClick here to view all references


Type Measure Description Time frame Safety issue
Primary Current neck pain severity Pain will be measured using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) which is a valid and reliable pain measurement tool.
Each participant will be asked to put a mark on a 10-cm horizontal line that is marked with 'zero' at one end to indicate no pain and marked with'10' at the other end to indicate maximum pain.This ill be done at two separate session, before and immediately after using the smartphone for the specified period.
1 week
Secondary DCF endurance The endurance of DCF muscles will be assessed using the Neck stabilizer pressure biofeedback. This ill be done at two separate session, before and immediately after using the smartphone for the specified period. 1 week
Secondary Neck proprioception repositioning error for neck flexion, extension and rotation will be measured using the CROM. Error will be calculated as absolute angle of error. This ill be done at two separate session, before and immediately after using the smartphone for the specified period. 1 week
See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Completed NCT05293847 - Postural Based Telerehabilitation in Mechanic Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT04060004 - The Effects of Dry Needling on the Superficial Neck Musculature N/A
Recruiting NCT06204627 - TDCS* and Laterality Trainnning in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT05870371 - The Effect of the Feldenkrais Method on Pain and Function in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT06049316 - Scapular Stabilization vs Functional Exercises on Chronic Neck Pain N/A
Recruiting NCT05944354 - Wearable Spine Health System for Military Readiness
Completed NCT02882061 - Examination of Cervical Thoracic Differentiation Testing in Individuals With Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT03147508 - Investigating Clinical Indicators of Spine Related Dysfunction Patterns. A Clinical Study on Neck Pain Patients.
Completed NCT02904668 - Self-management Program in Chronic Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT02731014 - Dry Needling for Patients With Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT02638987 - EMG Activity Before, During and After Dry Needling N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT02843269 - Multiple-component Workplace FRamed Intervention to Decrease Occupational Muscle Pain - FRIDOM N/A
Enrolling by invitation NCT02485795 - Observational Study of the Impact of Genetic Testing on Healthcare Decisions and Care in Interventional Pain Management N/A
Completed NCT02225873 - The Effectiveness of Exercises Protocol in Management of Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT02245425 - Comparison of Two Thoracic Manipulation Techniques to Improve Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT02235207 - Effectiveness of Fustra—Exercise Program in Neck and Low Back Pain N/A
Completed NCT02190890 - Dry Needling Dosage in the Treatment of Myofascial Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT02051478 - Thoracic Manipulation and Mobilization for Neck Pain N/A
Completed NCT01938209 - A Comparison of Seated Thoracic Manipulation and Targeted Supine Thoracic Manipulation on Cervical Flexion Motion and Pain N/A
Completed NCT01205542 - Work Place Adjusted Intelligent Physical Exercise Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain in Shoulder and Neck (VIMS) - Shoulder Function N/A