View clinical trials related to Muscular Diseases.
Filter by:To observe not only the distribution of single nucleotide polymorphism in genes related with pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics alteration of statins but also to analyze the correlation between these SNPs and the incidence of statins-induced myopathy.
The researcher can use Diffuse Optical spectroscopy technique that uses harmless levels of near-infrared light to probe the concentrations and states of important physiological molecules such as hemoglobin water and lipids in human muscle,.
RATIONALE: Studying biopsy, bone marrow, and blood samples from patients with cytopenia that did not respond to treatment may help doctors learn more about the disease and plan the best treatment. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is assessing immune function in young patients with cytopenia that did not respond to treatment.
Mitochondrial myopathies include various inherited diseases that are caused by damage to the mitochondria, energy-producing structures that fuel the body's processes. The main symptoms are muscle weakness, reduced muscle mass, and difficulty with exercising. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of exercise training versus inactivity on mitochondrial function in muscle and muscle performance in people with mitochondrial myopathies.
This study will define the major genetic risk and protective factors for idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM), a group of immune disorders affecting connective tissues such as muscles. It will also identify new environmental risk factors for IIM and identify immune responses in myositis and related diseases. There are many forms of IIMs, and the causes of these diseases are unknown. However, scientists suspect that they result when people with some genetic factors that predispose them-that is, put them at greater risk-are exposed to certain environmental triggers. Some of those triggers include food, drugs, biologics (such as a vaccine to prevent disease), medical devices and occupational exposures. Patients, including children under 18, who had a diagnosis of myositis, a related autoimmune disease, or a rheumatic disease, as well as their blood relatives, and control subjects who were in good health have already been recruited for this study. The evaluation consisted of one outpatient visit to the patient's doctor, who will obtain a medical history and conduct a physician examination. Patients spent 20 to 30 minutes to answer written questions. There was a blood collection of about 6 tablespoons. If there was a major change in patients' medical conditions, they were asked to return for a second outpatient evaluation to determine whether any of the blood tests or antibodies, which show an immune response, had changed. Blood samples collected will be used only for laboratory research studies. The samples have been identified by a code, and all other identifying information have been removed. During the study, researchers will explore possible environmental risk factors, including studies of infectious and non-infectious agents. They will analyze the blood for genetic markers and test for certain antibodies. Laboratory results will be evaluated as they relate to the signs, symptoms, and severity of patients' illnesses. That would help researchers to better understand patterns of the diseases and the outcomes for patients. This study will not have a direct benefit for patients. However, results from the study can be made available to patients' doctors for use in appropriate care. Also, it is hoped that information gained can help other people in the future.
This study is comparing two different exercise programs, Qi Gong (gentle stretching, and breathing) with an aerobics program (boxing and dancing) to see if children with chronic pain or fibromyalgia are able to take part in the program. We would also like to know if it is easy to take part in an exercise program. We hypothesize that children with chronic musculoskeletal pain and FM, who engage in Qigong fitness training, will be more compliant, and have an equivalent or possibly superior improvement on measures of motor function (peak power, endurance, and metabolic efficiency) compared to children given an aerobic fitness exercise program.
Myositis is a disease, believed to be due to immune cells, cells which normally protect the body, but are now attacking the muscles and other organ systems within body. As a result, the affected muscles and organs fail to work properly causing weakness, difficulty swallowing, skin rash, respiratory problems, heart problems, joint stiffness, soft tissue calcification and vasculitis (blood circulation problems). The likelihood of progression of this disease is high. This study is designed to examine whether treating patients with high dose cyclophosphamide (a drug which reduces the function of the immune system) and ATG (a protein that kills the immune cells that are thought to be causing this disease), followed by return of previously collected blood stem cells will stop the progression of myositis.
In the Congenital Myopathy Research Program at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the researchers are studying the congenital myopathies (neuromuscular diseases present from birth), including central core disease, centronuclear/myotubular myopathy, congenital fiber type disproportion, multiminicore disease, nemaline myopathy, rigid spine muscular dystrophy, SELENON (SEPN1), RYR1 myopathy, ADSS1 (ADSSL) Myopathy and undefined congenital myopathies. The primary goal of the research is to better understand the genes and proteins (gene products) involved in muscle functioning and disease. The researchers hope that our studies will allow for improved diagnosis and treatment of individuals with congenital myopathies in the future. For more information, visit the Laboratory Website at
The purpose of this study is to determine whether testosterone replacement in older men with low testosterone levels will increase muscle strength, improve physical performance and overall sense of well being, and reduce fatigue.
The primary objective of the study is to investigate whether differences in atorvastatin metabolite ratios might have a positive or negative predictive value in diagnosing atorvastatin muscle toxicity. A muscle biopsy is also collected and investigated.